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The sun shone hotter than ever as I stepped out of the palace the next day

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The sun shone hotter than ever as I stepped out of the palace the next day. I hardly got any sleep and only managed to get a few bites of breakfast, as I was running late. 

"I don't think I can do this," Fiona whispered nervously as we walked towards the palace fields. The field was covered in tents I assumed were for the nobles and the Royal family, while citizens cheered on in a separate section. I wasn't expecting an audience this large and it set an uneasy feeling in my stomach. Esme sounded very confident and I knew better than to underestimate her. Esme was very competitive and I didn't doubt that she would play dirty. 

"Just...try your best," I let out a nervous breath as we walked closer to the audience. 


"Lady Esme!" The crowd screamed. Some of the Ladies even held up posters with 'Queen Esme' written on them. I didn't feel bad or jealous in the least but I did feel pity for the young girls who thought Esme was a good example. 

"I love you Lady Ashley!" 

"Lady Katherine!" 

"Lady Fiona!" 

"Lady Madeline!" 

Upon hearing my name, I whipped around so fast I suspected I'd hurt my neck. My eyes fell on a young girl, about 8 or 9. She had fiery red hair done up in an elaborate bun and wore a pristine white dress, carefully sewn. At a first glance, I assumed she was just one of the younger Nobles' Daughters due to the fact that a woman that was probably her Governess held onto her hands like they were her lifeline. The woman darted her eyes around warily, probably scared that the Aridian 'commoners' might rob her. I couldn't help but wonder, why weren't they in the tents with the other Nobles? Why were they standing among the rest of Aridia?

As I looked closer at the young girl, I was met with familiar brown eyes. Eyes that burned with excitement that couldn't be contained and curiosity that couldn't be quenched. I realized where I knew those eyes from. I stared at them almost every day in the mirror. The girl smiled a wide smile and before I could return the gesture, I was yanked away. 

"What are you moping at?" Esme demanded and I realized she was the one who dared to touch me. 

"Keep your paws off me, Esme," I seethed as we walked on, the crowd's cheers getting louder and louder. 


"Good morning Aridia! And welcome to the Tournament of the Six. Ever since The Choice was started hundreds of years ago, to choose a wife for King Ogden, the Tournament of the Six has become a well known Aridian tradition. The remaining Six Ladies will compete in a series of trying physical activities- including the well known Aridian game, Battle for the Flag. The Lady with the most points will be crowned the champion and the Queen of the Tournament!" The herald announced, the crowd roaring in response. 

Luckily, Battle for the Flag was a game frequently played at my Finishing School. I doubt there was any Aridian that didn't know how to play. 

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