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I tried hard not to let the tears in my eyes fall

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I tried hard not to let the tears in my eyes fall. I tried not to jump to conclusions. Why did Carlos pick Esme to dance? It made me angry to admit to myself that I was jealous but I was. I wanted to be the only one Carlos danced with. If not the only one, I at least wanted to be his first choice. 

"Lady Madeline, can I have this dance," Amancio's voice startled me out of my self pity and frustration. 

I let out a breath, "Of course." 

He put his hand round my waist and I linked my fingers with his- before he gave mine a light squeeze. "Are you OK? You look awfully pale." 

"You mean paler than usual?" I tried to change the subject. 

Amancio, however, didn't relent. He studied my face for a moment before speaking, "It's Carlos isn't it?" 

I sighed. I didn't even have the energy to deny it. It seemed like Amancio already knew the truth either way. 

"Because he picked Esme to dance?" Amancio probed. I sighed once again before nodding. 

"Look, Madeline. This competition is a lot more complicated than it seems. Power obviously plays a great role in how things play out. Carlos has to play his role as well- even if it's just to keep up appearances," Amancio tried to explain. 

"I know, but why isn't he even looking at me?" My eyes cut to where Esme and Carlos danced. She looked up at him through her eyelashes, smiling like a love-struck puppy. 

"Like I said, he has to keep up appearances." 

I sighed, probably from the hundredth time that day. "I know, I-I'm just being annoyingly dramatic today." 

"I don't think you're being dramatic," Amancio smiled. "Besides, you look beautiful today." 

Amancio twirled me, as the dance instructed. 

"Listen Madeline, I don't know how today will end or what Carlos' choice will be. But I do want you to know this," Amancio's grey eyes stared right at mine. 

"I-I'm listening," I stuttered. 

"I care about you, Madeline," Amancio said, his eyes searching mine. 

"I care about you too, Amancio," I admitted. 

"No, not as a friend would care for a friend, Madeline. For a while now, I haven't been able to get you out of my head. I can't stop thinking about you- your smile, your laugh, your witty jokes. 

"And I know you have feelings for Carlos and he has feelings for you but I just can't control it. Trust me, I've tried," Amancio professed, his eyes never leaving my face. 

"Amancio, I-I. I care about you in that way too. Trust me, this has been on my mind for longer than you can imagine. I'm just sorry...I'm sorry that it didn't work out the way we wanted. Besides, it's not certain that Carlos will pick me- obviously. Not that you're a second option I just-," I started, before I was interrupted by Amancio. 

"I understand, Madeline. Just know that, whatever happens, I'll always be here for you. Whatever you need," Amancio squeezed both my hands. 

I gave him a smile back and realized that Amancio was my first true friend, someone I could count on for whatever. 

"The dance is about to end. Carlos will announce his choice soon," Amancio said and my stomach squeezed even harder. "We should probably get some drinks, you look terrified." 

Amancio and I made our way to the drinks table where he poured me a glass of punch, which I gulped down like it was my last. 

As I drank, the music ended and the crowd quieted down, heated whispers circulating the room. 

Carlos emerged from the balcony that looked onto the crowd, his eyes meeting mine instantly. My heart rose and then fell quickly once he looked away. What was wrong? Did I do something? 

"Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen, the time we've all been waiting for has finally arrived. This decision was a very hard one to make, because the 6 Ladies standing in this room are all beautiful and unique in their own ways. 

"The Lady I chose, to be my future wife and rule beside me when I become King is not only beautiful, she's compassionate, driven, headstrong and a true example of what a Lady should be- someone that leads with courage and strength. 

"Now, without further to do, the Lady I chose to be my future wife is Lady-" 

But, before Carlos could finish his sentence, the lights in the ballroom suddenly cut out. 

There's so much more in store trust me

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There's so much more in store trust me. What did you think of this chapter? Chapters 57 and 58 are out tomorrow so stay tuned. 

Please vote, share and comment. And stay safe as well. xoxo.

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