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I felt defeated as I walked out of the dance room and onto the palace halls

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I felt defeated as I walked out of the dance room and onto the palace halls. I definitely couldn't retire to my bedroom as I would be bored out of my mind. Despite the unlikable turnouts, I wasn't about to waste one of the only free days I had moping about. Though, I couldn't help but feel a teeny weeny bit annoyed at Amancio. I was only trying to help and he'd completely shut me out. It was like the best friends had switched personalities. Carlos had somehow become more open and it seemed like Amancio had become closed off.

There was only one place I had in mind. A place where I could be myself and things were less complex- with no mix signaled kisses or injured dukes.

I didn't have any trouble finding the 'secret library' and a wave of relief washed over me as the door slid back. My muscles relaxed and I let out a deep breath. I hadn't realized how much I'd missed the sense of eeriness and discovery I felt in the library. It definitely beat the confusion I'd been feeling for the past few days.

I quickly recalled where I'd put the Aridian History Journal and flipped open to the page I stopped, settling on one of the chaises, my worries stripping away like dead skin.


In this section I will be describing the rule of King Ogden and how Aridia didn't turn into a utopia after he took the throne. Aridia was noticeably happier, the economy was still as good- poverty lessened. The Aridian citizens were finally free and happy and King Ogden decided to introduce some sort of entertainment to their bleak lives.

Despite the events, King Ogden was still young and desperately needed a wife. Someone who could take up the position as Queen and help him start a legacy. So he started The Choice. The competition was limited to eligible daughters of the Nobles as only noble-blooded citizens could sit on the throne. The daughters of the Nobles were ecstatic, as well as the Aridian citizens.

Out of the 12 Ladies, King Ogden chose Lady Phillipa and she became the Queen. But, peace in Aridia wasn't as it seemed. The allies and supporters of the dead King Ralph hadn't left in peace. They started a secret rebel group they called The Dark Lords. The Dark Lords were the bane in the smooth run of Ogden's reign.

They were very secretive and had multiple members, some even part of Ogden's close circle. The Dark Lords planned to overthrow The Hayhursts and return the throne to The Paytons.

But, King Ogden was smart and quick to react. So quick that almost no Aridian citizen even knew there were rebels. The rebels rarely attacked and operated underground. Occasionally, they would hijack shops and leave foul messages but Ogden was quick to clean up their mess.

Until the rebels got braver. Queen Phillipa finally bore a child for King Ogden and the whole of Aridia was ecstatic. The days leading to her delivery were filled with festivities and celebration. That was, until the baby was kidnapped. Taken out of his crib dead at night. Queen Phillipa was devastated and King Ogden was enraged.

He and a few royal guards ventured out of Aridia in an attempt to find the Prince and end the rebels once and for all. King Ogden and his party succeeded in finding the Prince, by a stream along with a warning note from the rebels. They warned Ogden that the Prince's kidnapping was only the tip of the iceberg and if the throne wasn't returned to The Paytons, The Dark Lords would make life a living hell for the royal families to come and Aridian citizens alike.

But, the Hayhursts proved to be more powerful, dodging attacks from the rebels and making sure the citizens didn't notice anything was wrong. But, the rebels were becoming noticeably stronger as their members grew. Their motive had changed. They didn't only wish to return The Paytons to the throne, they wanted to overthrow the monarchy system and set up a democracy.

I don't know what time you may be reading this but be careful. The Dark Lords may have 'good motives' but their methods are cruel and as they spread their forces, you can't trust anyone. Your neighbor, your best friend, even your mother could be a member of The Dark Lords.


A chill ran down my spine as I read the last paragraph, over and over again. I hadn't realized how dangerous The Dark Lords could be. I remembered my conversation with Amancio. He dismissed the rebels as if they weren't even a threat. Was Amancio mistaken? Could the lives of the royal family be in danger?

I paced around the room, thinking of what I could do. Since I was just a kid, I'd never imagined I could be part of something big, something that could make people's lives better. This information was so grave, I didn't know how the royal family would react if I told them.

Did Carlos know about The Dark Lords? Did King Albert? Did the Nobles? Who was part of The Dark Lords? Anyone I knew?

My hands started to shake, as they did when I was nervous. I didn't know what to do and I desperately needed a way to solve things. I couldn't just sit back and let things happen.

If I was to reveal my findings to the royal family, how would I explain them? Roaming about the palace grounds unsupervised was definitely forbidden. How would I explain the secret library? Would they suspect me of sneaking around?

I knew deep down that my worrying had less to do with the safety of the royal family as a whole and more to do with the safety of Carlos. I hadn't seen, or spoken to him since the kiss. I wouldn't know what to say either way. I hated to admit it but I cared about him. He had proved to be so much different than I'd imagined and I hated the idea of something happening to him. Or someone in power, like Amancio. Whenever either of their names popped up- in my head or in conversation, my insides went squishy and I couldn't think straight. I knew what it was but I would never admit it to myself. I'd never get my hopes up.

But, I knew one thing was for sure- I needed to find Carlos and tell him what I'd read. He'd know what to do.

My heart beating quickly, I made sure to return the journal, practically leaping out of the secret room. My palms were sweaty and my throat was dry.

I started walking down the hall, turning at random corners in an attempt to find the royal wing. I silently prayed Carlos would be in the royal library, though there was no guarantee.

I prayed I wasn't wrong and that Carlos would be reading in the library, as per usual. Though, I didn't know how I'd approach him. I cursed myself for running away after the 'encounter'. If only I'd been more mature and had the confidence of Caroline or Esme, my heart probably wouldn't be palpitating.

I was too deep in my anxious thoughts to hear the soft footsteps behind me and before I could turn around, I felt a bag over my head, my vision blocked by the dark fabric. My panic and screams were cut short by a strong chemical scent that blurred my vision and cut out my consciousness.

Last chapter for the day, what do you guys think??? What do you think happened to Madeline? Stay tuned for daily updates to find out

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Last chapter for the day, what do you guys think??? What do you think happened to Madeline? Stay tuned for daily updates to find out. Thank you guys for coming this far with me and reading, voting and commenting- I really appreciate it.

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