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I stared at my reflection in the mirror

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I stared at my reflection in the mirror. This was it. The night we'd all been waiting for. I couldn't believe it. I couldn't believe that at the end of the night, we'd know who Carlos' choice was. Could he have changed his mind? Could he pick someone else? 

I was dressed in a white silk evening gown, as the Nobles' Daughters were instructed to wear white. To keep up ceremonial appearances, or something like that. 

My hair was done up in a low, sleek ponytail and Lucy had applied light make up- thankfully. I hadn't seen Imogen since The Masquerade Ball and Lucy seemed awfully quiet. It all seemed very suspicious. 

"What's on your mind, Lady Madeline?" Lucy asked, giving me a smile that didn't really reach her eyes. 

"Nothing much. Just wondering where Imogen is. Strange she isn't here today," I met her eyes in the mirror and she quickly looked away. 

She didn't answer my question. 

"Where is Imogen, Lucy?" I asked. 

Tears pooled in Lucy's eyes and I put the pieces together. Imogen gave me the dress. The dress had been sent by The Dark Lords. 

"She's one of The Dark Lords isn't she?" I admitted more to myself than to Lucy. 

Lucy sobbed, tears running down her face. 

I felt horrible. Did Imogen know about my kidnapping? Was she in on their cruel plans? 

"So...where is she now...," I trailed off. 

"The guards took her away yesterday," Lucy's voice broke. 

The thought of what Imogen could be going through brought tears to my eyes. 

"I'll talk to Carlos, I'll-," I started but was interrupted by Lucy. 

"There's nothing you can do, Lady Madeline. She's one of them, she even has the tattoo," Lucy's eyes were sad. 

"Tattoo?" I'd never heard anything about a tattoo. 

"They're so many-that's the only way they can identify themselves," Lucy shook her head. "I really don't want to talk about this right now." 

I nodded, understanding how hard it must be for her. I silently prayed they weren't going to 'interrogate' Imogen like they'd done the others. 

"Now," Lucy sighed, wiping away her tears. "It's time to face the music." 


"It's been very nice knowing most of you. I'll make sure to send out invitations for Carlos' and I's wedding," Esme smirked, as we lined by the balcony leading to the ballroom where the voices of excited Aridian nobles and courtiers filled the space. 

"I wonder what you'll do if he doesn't pick you Esme," I muttered. "Because there's a chance that he won't." 

"You know what, Madeline, you're right. Even if Prince Carlos doesn't pick me- which won't happen, the chances of him picking you are close to zero," Esme smirked. 

"Oh, poor Madeline. Did you think just because the Prince let you into his bed once or twice, he was going to marry you?" Katherine scoffed, gaining her an approving look from Esme. 

"Whatever the outcome of today is, I'm just happy I'll never have to see any of you again," I gave them my sweetest smile, noticing how Fiona avoided eye contact with me. 

Before anyone could say anything, the herald began to announce the names of the Ladies, but this time in their full form- titles and all. 

"Lady Esme Addington, Marchioness of Panshaw," The herald announced and the crowd erupted in applause. 

As the line got shorter, the knot in my stomach grew and my palms became sweaty. What if something went wrong? What if Carlos chose someone else? What if Carlos chose me but I realized later on that I loved Amancio more?

"Lady Fiona Kensley, Countess of Lester." 

It was almost my turn and my heart was beating so fast I feared it would break out of my chest. The crowd clapped loudly for Fiona, almost as loud as Esme's applause. 

I held my breath. 

"Lady Madeline Prowess, Viscountess of Colgate." 

I let out the breath I was holding and walked down the stairs, trying my best not to fall or cry- or a combination of both. The crowd applauded and I held my breath once again, trying not to overreact and lose control. 

I felt the muscles in my shoulders relax as I stood beside Fiona, waiting for the Royal Family to arrive. 

Carlos walked down the spiraling staircase, as handsome as ever, but strangely his eyes didn't look for mine in the crowd. His expression was undecipherable but his eyes were cold and angry- like the old Carlos. Could something have gone wrong? 

"Welcome everyone to The Choosing Ceremony. For decades, The Choice has been a crucial tradition in Aridia's history. It all started with King Ogden and has continued ever since. This year, Prince Carlos is the heir to the Aridian throne and had 12 Ladies to pick a bride from. At The Cut, those 12 Ladies were reduced to the most eligible 6- which you see here. Today, the day we've all been waiting for, is the day Prince Carlos, heir to the Aridian throne picks a bride. 

"The Lady Prince Carlos picks will become the Princess Consort and will eventually rule Aridia alongside him. The Lady who Prince Carlos today wasn't only picked based on her looks, or on her personality but on her ability to rule. Her ability to lead Aridia into victory and uphold the title well. With all that said and done, we will dance before the time comes for Prince Carlos to announce his choice," King Albert addressed. With each sentence my heart rate increased and my stomach quenched. I could tell the other Ladies were nervous as well. Esme tried to come off as confident but her hands shook with either anticipation or nerves. Or maybe both. 

The royal band began the music and the crowd waited for Carlos to choose a bride. 

I tensed up, praying he would choose me. I needed to talk to him. Get some reassurance at least. 

I watched, in shock as Carlos walked right past me, and bowed in front of Esme. 

My heart fell.

OK guys, we're getting extremely close to the end of this book

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OK guys, we're getting extremely close to the end of this book. What do you think of it so far? Who do you think Carlos will choose? 

My birthday is tomorrow! I'm so excited!!! 

Don't forget to vote, comment and share xoxo.

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