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I woke up on Family Day with mixed feelings

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I woke up on Family Day with mixed feelings. I was mildly excited. I hadn't seen my family in ages and despite the way they treated me, I wanted to see them again. I wanted to know how things were going back in Colgate. On the other hand, I dreaded it. I knew my mother and Caroline would give me a hard time and pester me with questions. In the palace, I lived alone and wasn't controlled by anyone and when my family arrived, I knew my mother would resume her position as my commander. 

I was already awake but I refused to get out of bed, hoping my reluctance to get up would result in a delay in the day's plans. I pulled my comforter over my head and closed my eyes, trying as hard as possible to go back to sleep. 

"This place is extremely small, I'd have expected the Ladies to reside in larger chambers," An all too familiar voice babbled. 

It couldn't be. 

"Mother, this hallway alone is larger than my powder room." 

"This is Lady Madeline's room," Imogen directed. 

I jolted up in bed. My mother and Caroline had arrived. Before I could get ready, the door to my room flew open and I was met with the surprised faces of my mother and elder sister. 

I couldn't believe it when Caroline rushed up to me and gave me a bone crushing hug, a hug so tight I couldn't breathe. 

"I missed you so much, stupid," Caroline hugged tighter. It felt like her words were forced, yet genuine. I guess Caroline loved me in her own, narcissistic way. 

"I...missed you...too," I struggled to breathe. 

"Let go of her, Caroline," My mother tsked. 

Caroline obliged and I let out a deep breath as I stood there, squirming under my mother's scrutinous glare. 

"You've gained weight, Madeline," My mother remarked. 

I knew the topic would come up. 

"I have...?" I played dumb. 

"No worries, it has somehow made you look more womanly. The palace seems to be doing you good," My mother added. 

I didn't think I looked 'womanly' in the slightest but I knew not to argue with my mother, especially when she was giving me a backhanded compliment. 

I made eye contact with Imogen and Lucy, who seemed mesmerized into silence. Lucy was staring at Caroline like she'd just seen a goddess and Imogen looked frightened of my mother, though I couldn't blame her. 

"Nice...place you have here," My mother sniffed. 

"What, is it too small for you?" I raised an eyebrow. My mother was extremely difficult to please. 

"No, I just expected something more...extravagant, that's all," She shrugged, looking around. 

"Forget about the bedroom, we have to address the elephant in the room. How did you manage to last The Cut, Madeline?" Caroline asked, curious. 

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