Chapter 6

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A non-important character death after 'Her brain snapped' ending at 'False was oblivious' and slight gore after 'with a bow an arrow' ending at the end of the paragraph.


~~False's POV~~

I knew who the book was referring to, and I didn't want to say it. I needed to do it for Scar, but what if the hermits stabbed me in the back. They wouldn't do that right?

I started to space out thinking over the situation, when I was tapped on the shoulder. "False can you drink this potion for me?"

I rolled my eyes taking the potion from Stress, then I preceded to drink the potion and hand it back to Stress in one swift motion. My hip immediately felt so much better, I thanked Stress and closed my eyes trying to rest my brain despite the fact I had just woken up.

-Time skip-

I woke up to hearing soft sobs, I sat bolt upright startling Stress who was next to Scar, "What happened Stress?"

She got up walking over to me. She looked at me sadly before speaking "I tried everything, I-I don't think Scar's going to m-make it."

I took the words in slowly my brain trying to process it. I managed to formulate my sentence "Get me to Scar's project now!"

Stress looked at me like I was insane "Why? Whatever got you in this state is still lurking out there."

I sighed I didn't want to tell anyone my story, but if anyone would understand it would be Stress. "Stress come over I want to tell you about my past."

Stress came over and sat on the edge of my bed looking more confused then ever. I started telling my story trying to stop myself from crying.

-----False's story-----

~~3rd person~~

A young False was walking next to another girl, both were about in fifth grade. They were laughing walking through the park, when they stumbled on a girl with a sword pointed towards a young girl.

Her friend Isabel fell back not knowing what to do, the server was always peaceful. They knew she would respawn, but respawning was incredibly painful for someone their age. False grabbed the girl by her red hair jerking her backwards.

False stood up tall despite being shorter than the girl, "who do you think you are!" The girl smirked, shoving False backwards "Rin is the name and if you don't mind, I have some revenge to take."

Rin threw the sword at the young girl but right before it was about to hit her it froze mid air. False looked at her hand to see her outstretched hand glowing. Her brain snapped and she turned the sword around and launched it into Rin's stomach. A scream echoed through the park.

Rin fell to ground her green eyes staring never blinking. Isabel screamed "You killed her!"

False was oblivious to what had happened, Rin's body hadn't disappeared. "She'll respawn right"

The admin walked up behind her she felt a cold medal on her neck. "No she won't, now get out of my server and never show your face here again!"

False was terrified but ran to the portal that would take her to a new server, she was lucky she hadnt been killed herself.

This went on for years, she would join a new server and kill someone with her magic, it all ended on one server or so she thought

False was being chased by people with pitchforks and torches, she had just taken her 10th life It was an accident the boy robbed her shop, and in pure fiery she blasted him into a wall.

She thought it would be the end she was doomed; the admin was about to kill her. She curled up in a ball crying, she didn't want to kill people it just happened.

She felt an arrow go past her head. She snapped back into reality to see a man in red armor standing there with a bow in arrow. She turned around the arrow was in the admin's head blood staining the admins hair.

The man grabbed her hand and they ran, False was confused as to what had just happened. "What? Who are you?! Where are we going!?!?"

The man looked back at her "To answer, I just saved your life thank me later, im EX and we are going to my brother's server."

False just ran with him dumbfounded, she got the scenes knocked back into her when she ran into a server portal. EX laughed at her sudden shock "This is your stop!"

False nodded stepping into the portal "Thanks EX." EX smiled "Tell my brother I say hi, good luck... leader of the Aether."

The last words got cut off by the sound of the portal, but False always knew what he had said.

---End of False's past---

~~False's POV~~

Stress fell off my bed, she got up and hugged me. "I don't blame you."

She smiled gently at me letting go of me, she got up and grabbed something. Once she was in my sight again, I saw it a Notch apple. Stress tossed it at me I ate it as soon as I caught it. My hip felt like it had repaired instantly. Stress grabbed a shulker box "Come on let's go before the rest of the hermits get here, unless you want to repeat your story."

I got up stumbling a bit but okay other than that and we ran towards the hole.


Im sorry if False is out of character I only started watching her a few weeks ago. Thanks for reading. Bai <3 

-946 words

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