//Hey y'all it be me, it's like 930 in the morning and I already failed a test online and I honestly hate that stupid website and I have no damn clue why the stupid principal put me on that shit and the ferret and my cats keep playing very loudly and my cat Milo won't stay tf off my keyboard and I set up two decoys and omg I'm just ranting sorry frens I need coffee//

Kat and Comet approached Heart Storm to find him under the car, obviously fixing something.

"Heya Storm," Kat said cheerfully. "Whatcha doin'?"

"Fixing something on this damn car, again," he replied, gruffly.

Storm was a fairly chill fellow. He was 24 years old; the oldest in the group. He was the handyman, and he was also not a morning person. He was creative, and he liked to build things and take them apart and look at different plants. He had emerald green eyes framed by thick lashes and softly arched eyebrows. He had fair skin, which was peppered with freckles. He wore ripped jeans and a yellow bomber jacket, basically all the time. He had dirty blond hair, which was dyed orange at the ends. His hair covered his ears, which almost always had headphones jammed into them at full blast. He was about 5'6", and was relatively friendly and reckless; except in the mornings. (a/n: my cats just knocked over a bin of coloring stuff and scared the shit outta me so...)

Like Krimson, he could not live without coffee. He would actually drive from Zone 5 to the outskirts of Battery City just to get it.

Or, he and Krimson would send Kat, hence all his encounters with S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W units and Dracs.

"So, what are you fixing?", asked Comet, genuinely curious.

"What's it to ya?", retorted Storm, rather harshly. After all, they ran out of coffee and had no way of getting more, and it was early as hell. So he decided to get up as early as possible and fix the car, so he could get more.

"Damn, bro, who pissed in your cereal?", Comet said, with a slightly irritated face.

"No one, I don't fucking like cereal. So unless you can find me coffee, please go away.''

"Okay, see ya," Comet said. "C'mon, Kat, let's go find you something to do while we wait for him to fix the car."

Kat stared at Storm for a few moments as Comet walked away.

"You heard him, go play with a dead bird or something, I know you like those," said Storm sarcastically.

"Kat, let's go, dude!", Comet yelled from about a hundred feet away. This is how Kat always got kidnapped or stuck or lost; he was always staring at something.

Kat shuffled off away from Storm, mumbling something along the lines of "I don't like dead birds, or alive ones."

"So how'd you sleep last night?'', Comet asked suddenly.

"It was fine, I guess. Until you landed on me," Kat said to Comet, kicking a rock with the toe of his boot. "What about you?"

"I slept okay, it wasn't awful, but it wasn't great, y'know what I mean?"

"I feel that."

As the two boys walked around the motel they called home, they were mostly silent, occasionally chattering about what the plan was for the day. The plan was to just lay low for the day, because Dr. Death Defying had cut off the traffic to report that S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W units had been ransacking Zones 3 and 4.

That also meant no coffee.

"You're fucking kidding me. You're telling me I have to deal with those two all day without coffee???"

"I wish I were kidding, Kat. I wish I were. But I'm not letting him send you out to get picked up by BL/IND just so he can get coffee. He can get it himself, for fucks sake. He's a grown man, he needs to act like one," said Comet.

"I can handle it, I do it all th-"

"No," Comet snapped back at Kat, "you're not getting yourself killed so he can fuel his coffee addiction. Honestly, he'll be fine without it, he can just go back to sleep."


"Good, now, let's sit down for a minute. I wanna tell you something."

The pair sat down on a rock under the shade of a saguaro cactus. Kat began to pick at the spines on the cactus.

"Ok, Kat, pick at the spines, I don't really care. You know how I'm bi, right?", said Comet, nervously playing with rocks on the ground.

"Yeah, what about it?'', asked Kat, intrigued.

Comet took a deep breath.

"So there's this guy I like."

Kat perked up. "Yeah, who?''

"Um, uh, you."

Kat and Comet looked at each other for a minute, and then Kat went to say something, but couldn't.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have told you, now everything's gonna be awkward and now you proba-"

He was cut off by Kat giving him a hug. "It's okay dude, I like you too."

Comet relaxed his body; he didn't even know he was tensed up. He started crying softly.

"Dude, what's the matter?", Kat asked, "Is everything okay?"

Comet pulled away from the hug and wiped his eyes. "Yeah, I just wasn't expecting you to say that, I really wasn't."

"Oh, well, I mean, I have for a while so-"

"No way," Comet said, and looked at the younger, shorter man, who was only shorter by maybe three or four inches.

"Yeah, I have for a while, just haven't told you. I know we can be complete dicks to each other in the morning, but I think we can change that. It's too early to be bickering and throwing hands. So, how about we not?", Kat said, casually.

"Sounds like a plan."

Kat brushed Comet's hand with his.

"Are you already trying to hold my hand?"

"Is-is that fine?", asked Kat nervously.

"Hell yeah, why not?", Comet said as he took hold of Kat's hand and intertwined their fingers.

// If this is moving too quick oops I just wanted to get my ideas down and out there because itS TOO GREAT TO NOT SHARE WITH YALL, update probably later tonight friends//

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