Chapter 14

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After the eventful morning, I headed straight to work. I had an early shift with Kayla and I was sure that she'd want to be filled in on all the drama that had occurred over the last 24 hours.

"I can't believe you forgave him for sleeping with her! I woulda slapped the fuck out of him." Kayla said, wiping down the bar.

"I know, but it's not like we're together or anything. He's free to do whatever he wants." I sighed.

"Oh please, there's clearly something going on, but if Reed goes through with that wedding then he's a fool! Imagine being stuck with that awful woman for the rest of your life." she said, wrinkling her nose in disgust. "Don't tell him I said that though."

"I don't understand why everyone's so scared of him." I shrugged.

"Are you kidding? Are we talking about the same person?"

"Yeah but he's not that scary once you get to know him!" I exclaimed as I'd never seen him really angry.

"Well of course you would say that, you're like the only person who kind of knows him." she laughed. "He's a terrifying mystery to all of us."

I rolled my eyes at her, laughing along when suddenly her face dropped.

She yanked my arm down and dragged me underneath the bar.

Our bodies were pressed against the bar and above my head were guns strapped to the tabletop.

Kayla quickly grabbed a couple of guns and pressed an emergency button as I heard loud voices from above us, paired with piercing screams and cries for help.

"Everybody down or I'll shoot!" the man boomed.

"What's going on?" I whispered as my voice began to shake.

"It's the enemy. They're attacking the bar, we're going to have to shoot at them." she said, handing me a large shotgun.

"S-shoot at them? I've never used a gun before Kayla. I'm not cut out for this!"

"Look at me Julia." she said, grabbing a hold of my face with one hand. "You've got this."

And with that, she crouched up and began shooting at the men over the bar, dodging their returning shots ever so slightly.

"Julia, I need backup. You're gonna have to help me." she shouted down at me.

I took a deep breath and looked at the weapon before me. I can do this.

I got up and saw a group of 5 men, wearing all black clothing with masks on to hide their identities. 2 of them had spotted Kayla and I, and began to shoot towards us.

I held the gun out in front of me and aimed as well as I could before pulling the trigger.

I shot at the largest man in the room 3 times and watched as he dropped to the ground.

Kayla quickly jumped on top of me to save me from the shots of the other men, before peering over the bar and making a few other shots.

The loud banging of the guns terrified me but I knew that I'd have to get over it.

All of a sudden another of the men jumped over the bar and ran towards us. I quickly blocked his way and kneed him between the legs causing him to curl up in pain. I remembered my training and punched him once in the face, knocking him down for good.

I then shot another man down as she got the other 2. She made sure to fire non-deadly shots for interrogation purposes but injured them badly enough to ensure that they were unable to escape.

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