Chapter 19

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Julia's POV

The next morning, I woke up with a banging head ache. I was woken up by the sunlight shining through my curtains and could barely remember what had happened the previous night.

I'd had a strange dream of Reed carrying me to bed and then staying with me, but that can't have been true seeing as he wasn't here. Thank god.

This feeling just reminded me of why I never drink. My memory is gone and my head was causing me pain. Never again.

I immediately saw a glass of water with pills beside me and took them straight away, trying to get rid of the awful headache.

I crawled out of the bed and a piece of paper caught my eye on the desk across the room.

I walked over slowly, holding my head with one hand and reaching for the paper in front of me.

It was addressed to me and read...


Remember to take your pills for the hangover. I promise I left as soon as you fell asleep, I hope you feel okay. I'll be home late so don't wait up and be safe.


That was...sweet.

But did he just say that he left when I fell asleep? Shit. It wasn't a dream, oh no.

I can't believe this. I really did beg him to stay with me, oh my god. I need to apologise! But he's not home. How could I let this happen?

Now all I could do was wait for him to come home. I knew that today was the day of the fight against the opposing gang.

Reed tried to hide these things from me but failed. Of course I'd be worried about him all day, but he was the best of the best so hopefully I have no reason to be concerned.

I just hope he stays safe.

Reed's POV

After leaving Julia's room, I could barely get to sleep. She was stuck on my mind as well as the plans for the fight.

I knew that we'd be successful but I was still on edge. Being leader of the mafia is stressful and I was used to it being like that, but it never prevented my nerves.

People are constantly counting on me to keep them safe. I'm their leader and I can't afford to make any wrong moves.

I was out of bed by 4AM and the rest of the team were up by 5. I peaked my head around the door to ensure that Julia was safe and then we were ready to leave.

We all piled into the cars and headed to where the rest of the Vipers were staying.

Once they were all ready, we were on our way. Tens of black jeeps and vans were speeding down the country roads one after the other.

Eventually we all split and I was keeping track of everyone on my gps tablet system. I also had my handheld radio transceiver to stay in touch with the leaders.

We were ready to kill these Sicilians.

When we arrived at the destination, Blade, the small team and I jumped out of the car and ducked behind some trees of the nearest forest.

Their base was in sight and we were ready to invade. I just had to wait for the signal from the others.

Once we could hear shots being fired and got the signal through the radio, it was all go.

I lead the group and ran to the door, knocking it down with a single kick. I kept my gun out front and was ready to kill anything in my way.

I was in the zone. This was my dark side and nobody would dare to mess with me like this. If they did, it'd be the last thing they ever did.

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