Chapter 46

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A couple of days after Blade and Ivy stayed for dinner, I woke up in bed alone.

Usually, I'd wake up beside Reed or he'd wake me up before he left for work, so today I was a little confused.

I quickly got changed into one of his big shirts and made my way downstairs.

I went into the kitchen, but he wasn't there. I then checked the living room, to see him sat on the couch with his phone in hand.

He seemed extremely concentrated and hadn't even realised that I'd walked into the room.

"Good morning." I said, causing him to jolt up out of the seat.

"Oh, morning babe." he said, walking over to kiss me.

"What are you doing? How come you didn't wake me up this morning?"

"I just thought you'd like to lie in this morning...I've just been erm- catching up on some work."

Somehow, his excuse didn't convince me but I decided not to push it further.

"Are you going out to work today?" I asked.

"Yeah, I've got quite a lot to do but I'll see you at dinner, okay?"

"Oh, okay." I agreed, trying to cover my dismay.

I always wished that we had more time to spend together, but I understood how much time Reed's work took up.

As Reed regained his position on the couch, I got a call from Ivy.

"Hey Jul, how would you feel about doing some shopping today?" she asked.

I looked over at my boyfriend and knew that we had no plans, so why not?

"Sure, I've got nothing else to do." I sighed.

"Great! I'll meet you there in an hour, okay?"

"Sounds good, see you soon Iv."


I quickly made my way upstairs and got dressed into a casual outfit for shopping. You never know how long you could be at the mall with Ivy.

When I was ready, I went back downstairs to see Reed still sat in the same place that I'd left him

"Reed, I'm going shopping with Ivy okay?"

"Okay, you can take my card." he replied.

"What? No, I don't need to-"

"Jules, take my card." he said, smiling as he stood up and placed it into my hand. "Buy some nice things for yourself, I've told you not to worry about money."

"I know, but I don't like using your money." I said.

"Please, I want to spoil you." he said, leaning in to kiss me softly.

"Okay, thank you." I sighed.

"Have fun."

He kissed me once more and then I was on my way.


When I arrived at the mall, I found Ivy shopping in a baby store.

She still had a perfect body and only found out she was going to be a mother a couple of days prior, yet she was already preparing.

When I saw her, she was in a cute outfit, with her pink hair tied up into a messy bun and was holding a shopping basket which was almost full.

"Shopping for baby clothes already?" I laughed as I walked towards her.

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