Chapter 48

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An ambulance soon arrived after Cyrus took Danielle out of the building, and Blade refused to leave Ivy's side.

Reed and I drove behind in the jeep as I couldn't stop the tears from falling down my face.

"She'll be okay Jules, I promise." Reed said as he stroked my thigh from the driver's seat.

"You don't know that." I cried. "W-what if she doesn't make it? What about the baby?"

"I know it's tough but we've got to be strong for Ivy, okay?"

"I know, but I don't know what I'll do if she doesn't make it Reed. This is all my fault."

"Babe, don't you dare blame yourself, this is not your fault, it's Danielle's."

"I know but I was the reason she was there, sh-she tried to shoot you."

"I know, but I'm fine."

"I just wish she'd hit me instead. Ivy doesn't deserve this."

"Jules, please don't think like that. I never want to lose you and Ivy wouldn't either. Let's just get to the hospital, we can't change what's happened now."

"I guess you're right..."

Blade's POV

I sat beside the love of my life in the ambulance as she and our unborn child barely clung to life.

I wouldn't take my hand away from hers but watching the paramedics all around her was killing me.

I should've done more. I should've protected her.

It should be me with the bullet wound...not them.

I'd always been able to control my emotions well, you have to, to be in this industry, but right now I couldn't hold myself together in the slightest.

Not only was Ivy dying in my arms, I didn't know how likely it was that our baby would survive either.

I suppose this is karma for all the bad I've done over the years.

It's all my fault. If I hadn't have shot that stupid Logan boy, none of this would be happening.

I just need them both to be okay. I don't know how I'll live if they're not.

"Okay sir, we're at the hospital. You can sit in the waiting room while we take your girlfriend into surgery." said the paramedic.

"No, no, I'm not leaving her." I shouted.

"I'm sorry sir but you aren't allowed in surgery. I know this is tough but you just have to trust us to do our job."

I dragged my hands through my hair as I watched them wheel her out of the ambulance and into the hospital.

I just wanted to be with her. To make sure she's okay. She has to be okay.

I walked into the waiting room and sunk down into the seat whilst my friends filed in through the doors in a rush.

I could barely bring myself to acknowledge their presence, when all I could think about was what was happening in that surgery.

The second the doctor comes out of that room, they could either tell me news which destroys my entire world or completely saves it.

"Blade, how is she doing?" Reed asked, kneeling down in front of me.

"I don't know, they wouldn't let me in the surgery." I said as tears ran down my face.

"This is all my fault!" Julia cried.

"No Julia, it's mine." Cyrus said almost emotionally. "If I hadn't have pushed Danielle then Ivy wouldn't have been hit."

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