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❝ the calendar saysit's nearly 1987yet it still feels like it was the midsummer of 1982

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❝ the calendar says
it's nearly 1987
yet it still feels like it was the midsummer of 1982.



All of us have something common: we all had something that ended up never being the same like how we had it before.

The latter could vary from different things: a sentiment, a memory, a childhood friend, or even just a necklace that held something once dear and special.

If there's anything I've learned, it's that nothing is everlasting. Nothing remains the same. Change is permanent, and permanence is instability.

Pennytown was bought by a very powerful construction company who has built a lot of malls people have heard of and go to on a regular basis, and Jovi and I never wrote each other ever since.

I'll stop lying. I did write him: I wrote him how much I miss him, and how much I want to see him again. Yes, I was that desperate ─ because I convinced myself that it will all be worth it once we got to talk to each other and disclose matters we never got the opportunity to discuss.

But everything ended to a comma: incomplete and lacking; thoughtless and in dearth of a clear end.

We were the ones trying to build that sentence; we were the words that were trying fill that empty space that stood between us. It was like we were feet apart when we were close. The optical illusion that fooled us, undermined what we had, and because of that, we lost the chance to build what could have been something.

It was like we were ghost people now. We were ironic and nonsensical, but we wanted to be in each other's presences yet we were nowhere to be seen ─ I wanted to be with him, but I was too invisible to be there. We grew distant, and we grew forgotten. It were as if we've never met each other anymore.

Up until these lonesome nights I still think about how much I want to dance with him to Carpenters' songs this late at night and give him a kiss on the cheek while he's asleep like those scenes in movies, melancholic melodies being hummed in the background.

I always denied how much I liked Jovi: I showed that adoration towards him by continually insulting his little girlfriend (of which I am admittedly jealous of) and looking at him when he's unaware of me. As much as it was a pain to admit it, I do wish Linda has forgiven me regarding that catfight I've caused. She's a beautiful human being, and I've become such a bitch to her (for reasons that have now become irrational to me).

The thought still lingers, and both of their presences still do too. It felt like those waves after bathing yourself in a chlorinated pool in which you've survived a drown from earlier. Those surge of waters that invisibly push themselves around you while you stood up the ground on your feet.

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