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What kind of black woman can't cook. This is some of that bull...

This is the fourth night Ive been with this retarted psychso female, she said that she is cooking for me tonight which means i have to think of another excuse to not eat the dukie she calls food.

Ive survived not eating her food by eating toilet tissue and drinking my pee. I am going to cry if she makes the special meal I had my first night with her. She cooks like a man. Ive been leaving little cooking class flyers around the house with hopes that she will pick one up and actually attend a class. She eats her meals like the best chef in the world made it. I should probably eat the neighbors dog like an asian or something. Im starting to question her nationality because only a white girl could cook this food. I need to meet her parents or something and ask them why her food taste like Randy Ortons anus. Even my own farts smell better then the kitchen right now. Im still pissed. Literally, im actually drinking my pee while writing this. 

"Anna, why didnt your parents come to the wedding?"


"Tell me Anna!!"

"Its because theyre white, im sorry!"

"So you're white?, so all these days i thhought you was black your stupid self was lying?"

"Im so sorry baby"


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