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A piping hot cup of Starbucks coffee sits below your nose, warm steam billowing out of the hole on top in contrast to the cold plastic chair underneath you. The smell of the god-given drink keeps your drowsy eyes open and tempts you to take a sip, but you must resist or you will burn your tongue.

Not that you aren't used to burns.

But you are attending an early morning class and you would prefer not to burn your taste buds this early in the day.

Why did I choose the eight am class?

You are the fourth early bird to arrive to class. You figured, when applying for college classes, that you would simply learn to get up early and sleep at a reasonable time. Besides, good mornings equal a healthy lifestyle right?

Wrong. You've never been more sleepy in your life. You're drained from a whole night's worth of finishing assignments from your classes. This cup of coffee in front of you is this only thing that will keep you awake and if you didn't have it, you would go insane.

Although, you might as well go nuts just waiting for the life potion to cool down enough for you to drink it anyway.

Just as you think you might lay your head down and fall asleep, a tall, dark haired boy walks into the classroom. Your eyes are drawn to him because his long, ebony hair is a mess and his eyes are gaunt and have bags under them. His backpack is open halfway and his books and papers are in huge disarray.

He looks a mess, but he is still pretty.

The boy walks up the middle aisle between the tables and out of all the empty, unaccompanied seats around the room, he chooses to sit in the chair next to yours. Well done.

The boy drops his bag and slams a half empty cup of coffee from some shop you've never heard of onto the table in front of him and releases an exhausted sigh of contempt. Out of his messy backpack, he pulls out a can of Red Bull, then proceeds. To dump. The entire can. Into his coffee. Then slaps the lid onto the cup and shakes it up.

The boy looks at you, right in the eye, before he says, "I'm gonna die." And then downs the entire cup of sugar and caffeine in under three minutes.

You watch in horror and amazement as he finally takes the cup from his lips, sets it down on the table, and wipes his mouth with the back of his sleeve.

"Rough night?" You ask, unable to hold back your curiosity. The boy looks at you.

"Three rough nights and a breakup," he says. He holds out his right hand. "My name is Jeon Jungkook and it is nice to meet you at this godforsaken time of day."

You look at his hand, which is tattooed on the back, and reach forward to shake it.

"My name is L/n Y/n. And I think you've just become my new caffeine dealer."

This is inspired by a post I saw a while ago

Thanks for reading, I hope you have an amazing day/night! :)

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Thanks for reading, I hope you have an amazing day/night! :)


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