3. Andre's Rage

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The room froze as Matilda heard Andrea's footsteps come into the manor. But there was a slight anger in her footsteps that she could couldn't place where the anger surge was coming to. To where she was, to her own room or was there any chance she wouldn't see her at all here. But she thought too soon. She glanced up and heard the small caws of baby dragons coming from the hallways, heading straight into the main dining room. Then stood Andrea. The Dragon Queen. Her beautiful studied look in eyes soon turned into a fitted rage that would never be able to be fit her body. Yet surprisingly enough, her anger wasn't towards Draco but Matilda. Andrea's disapproving growls soon turned into harsh yells.
"Why did you bring him here! You could've brought him anywhere in the world and you brought him! HERE!".

Matilda stood still and calmly proud in her stance. Even when pissing off one of the most power beings on the world but the Dragon Queen was still her friend. Best friends to the least. Matilda just looked at her silently, knowing no matter what she said would just go over Andrea's head in her fits of rage. After all of Andrea's loud cussing and distasteful comments about Matilda's poor choice to bring Draco to Andrea's favorite headquarters, Matilda found it was her turn to speak. Calm and kind but still obviously hints of annoyance.

"Will you stop and listen to me before you go off again!"

Andrea first turned in a disturbed shocked way because it was rare and uncommon for someone to talk to the Dragon Queen like that but Andrea always knew what ever Matilda said or did, it was for the best of the people and her dragons.

"I brought him here so we could ask him what they plan to do next. Andrea. We need to know where Lorenzo is. More keep disappearing and-" Andrea quickly cut off Matilda harshly "You think I don't know more dragons are disappearing! What do you think he will know Matilda! Does he look like he'll be part of anything if they were willing to leave him alone at the school!"

Andrea was right. Maybe Matilda's optimistic hopes really got the better of her hit their was still hope for him in her heart. She could almost feel it that he wasn't one of them. Matilda knew why Andrea always became violent or uncontrollably angry when it came to the dragons. Her heart and soul could feel every dragon's death whether or be peaceful or painful. She was the bridge between mankind and dragons to try and keep either from enslaving or destroying each other from all of life. Andrea could do many dragon like things, such as speak their language, breathe fire, she had long two front fangs like a dragon that were so sharp sometimes she would poke her own mouth. She had tattoos of dragons on her forearms that symbolized her bonding with the Dragon Spirit. She could control all things dragon types, whether it being a real dragon or not but it was not in the Dragon King or Queen to try and tyrannize the beautiful creatures. But the one thing that would haunt her in her life were their deaths. She could feel their pain in her heart and hear their cries from her spirit. Sometimes she could even see through a dragons eyes, their own perspective, as they lived their last moments. It truly terrified her. She could feel their lost as if she could feel the death of a family member or a loved one. But the dragons were her family as much as Matilda was. So after hundreds of dragon deaths it seems pretty obvious of why Andrea as no soft spots for Snatchers because that's their forte. Capturing dragons and trying to either contain them or kill them. Andrea would never understand the greed the Snatchers had deep in their hearts. She would never understand how fools of men they are could believe that getting the gold that grew around dragon eggs could give them the same powers she had. She didn't gain her powers from theft. She gained them because the spirit of the Dragon chose them. The spirit of the dragon is a spiritual force, almost like a guardian angel, that finds the next King or Queen by seeing through their lightest and darkest times in their heart to see if they are worthy of being the bridge for the dragons. They would had to fight, flight, and be understanding but mostly had faith.

The Spirit of the Dragon doesn't see age, race, or gender. It sees deep into who you really are. Andrea became the Dragon Queen when she was eleven years old when the last Dragon King became too old of age and told the spirit he was ready to let go, so they moved onto Andrea.

But all of that flooded out of Andrea's mind when she turned to Draco who was tied in rope on a black wooden chair from the dining table. She slowly walked over to Draco in a sexy unintentional way, the more she was angry the more her legs gave up on straight walking. She placed her hands on either side of chairs arm rest, practically smothering Draco but he didn't budge. Not from enjoyment but from not wanting to give into her intimidation. Andrea would only ask this question once and once only.

Very coldly, "What is going to happen next ." Draco sternly looked at her, just as her tone "Nothing." Andrea growled and tossed her hand to hardly slap his face but before Matilda could stop her, she had already had made the hit clean across his face. His once pale skin now a deep pink on left cheek. His head was down as he muttered "Bitch." "WHAT DID YOU SAY!" Before Andrea could land another hit on him, Matilda gently grabbed Andrea's arm. "Will you stop hitting him already! He's not goin to help us any time sooner if you're hitting him every time he talks!"

Andrea just groaned and walked a few feet away from Matilda. Andrea knew about Matilda's childhood obsession with Draco. Even though Matilda denied it multiple times to Andrea, she could tell her friend still had a soft spot for him. When Matilda went up to Draco, keep a few feet's distance, his cold expression turned into a seriously studying one. As is he was trying to figure her out through her eyes. But that obviously wasn't going to work because of what Matilda said next.

"What are you and the Snatchers going to do next?" As she folded her arms while holding her beautiful flower engraved wooden brown wand in her hand. But what little to what Matilda knew about the obsession Draco had with her as a child, but unlike Matilda's on how it faded over time due to her discovery of him being a Snatcher. His obsession never faltered.

Draco stayed silent for a few moments until he looked into Matilda's serious eyes again and said plainly " Juillianet." "Where would that be?" "It's a town near by the trade markets of the year where the Purple River is."

Matilda brought her hand to her chin and thought about the Purple River, the Purple River was a River with bright purple water, no knew why it was purple so they just called it the Purple River. But the trade mart lets of the year was when all the merchants around gathered together to boost the economy again for the year and the Snatchers were planning of terrorizing there. But Matilda had never seen the Purple River before and she doubts that Andrea has either.

It's miles away from where they were at the moment. Matilda looked at Andrea for permission to have him guide them to the Purple River, they slowly singly nodded at each other. "Wil-"

"I will guide you there because you will get caught or noticed by riding your dragons, they are very noticeable. But don't worry by the time we get there will either be the same time or sooner by the time they get there."

Andrea suddenly came back from her corner with an old silver dagger with a dragon like snake on the base of the dagger and she pointed right at the center of Draco's Adam's apple and she growled "How do we know you're not lying!" Draco quickly glanced at Matilda and calmly said "What be the point of lying to you?" A small but lightly detectable smile , that could've gone by as a smirk, tugged at the left side of Draco's mouth as he watched Matilda and Andrea silently agree to go to the Juillianet. Oh how would these months go by?

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