2. The Snatchers

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Matilda dragged Draco's body into a old black manor. It was Andrea's favorite meeting spot, Matilda knew Andrea was be displeased of bringing the Snatcher into the home but Matilda couldn't think of any other place she knew they would be safe. The ceilings were high painted a pitch black but the skies were even darker. The clouds raged with heavy rains and deep thunder. But none seemed to awaken him.

 She pulled out her beautiful wand and whispered "Wishap". Then slowly levitated  Draco's body onto the main table. It was long, black as the ceiling, but still sturdy enough to hold is body weight. Matilda finally had a good chance to look at him. His long platinum blond hair that matched his light-deadly pale skin yet his eye lashes her a dark blonde. 

His thin oval face was bruised and blue around his jawline from slamming into the marble wall at the school. Oh, how she missed her school days. Life was so much more simpler for her as a child. When Draco was a child. She remembered watching him in the halls of their school.

 He was the quieter type, never realty interacting with others but she would still get het glances of him in the halls while walking the halls with her classmates. But things were different now, he chose the murderous side. Killing dragons, burning cities like how all other Snatchers are suppose to be for their King.

 The King, King Lorenzo, Matilda could feel her heart fill with an unknown hate with the thought of who Draco worked for. Lorenzo craved the power of the dragons, he believed he would become a god of some sort if her obtained that power. But he was more wrong than he'd ever know. One doesn't just become the Dragon King or Queen for blood shed or slaughter or conquering lands and enslavement.

 The only way a person could become part of the Dragon Royalty is through the spirit. There can only be one true Dragon King or Queen per lifetime and that person would be chosen if the spirit of the very first Dragon King deems their spirit worthy. The Dragon Spirit doesn't see age, race, and gender. It sees the purest part of who the person they choose is. The only other way to become part of the Dragon Royalty is when the current leader gives their life for another if the person they choose is dying. 

Such has never been done because none has been seen worthy of a past King or Queen. But just as so, Matilda looked upon her desired love but only shuddered when the thoughts of what he could have done by now as a Snatcher for so long. She could imagine the people screaming for the raids and burnings and kidnappings. 

Oh how her heart screamed for them. She thought about all the dragons that had to close their eyes and never open them back up because of him. She thought about how they probably felt so alone in their last moments as they closed their eyes. 

She suddenly felt her eyes start to water and a bitter feeling welling up inside of her as she looked at Draco's belt that held a sharp rusted silver dagger that had small dragon engraved in it but what caught her the most off guard was the splotches of dried blood on its handle and long the blade. 

She started hatefully intense at Draco's unconscious face until he opens his light silver blue eyes. 

Then she gasped in surprise of his sudden awakening. 

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