4. Chains

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Draco suddenly hear the sound of shackles come from the hallway as he was still tired to the dining chair. He tried moving out of the chair by moving it side to side but it only resulted in him falling on his face, still tied to the chair. Andrea's followers didn't even bother to pull him off the floor while chaining him. They soon enough tackle him to the floor once they untied him and pushed him deep into the mud outside of the manor, while Draco was soaked in dirty water with mud practically married to his clothes. Andrea smiles to herself thinking she did a good deed catching and using him as her servant after what she believed he had done. Little did she know, she was making enemies with the wrong person. Andrea's followers soon slowly came up to Andrea in fear of upsetting her and weakly

asked "Where would you like to put him, your grace? Maybe with your dragon, Dragon, to keep an extensive eye on him, my liege?" The followers thought this suggestion would please Andrea but it only made her give a look of utter disgust filled with cold stares glares. She quickly point her finger at Misty, knowing Matilda wouldn't have a problem at all shackling Draco with her, so she took the chance to stay away from him.

"NO! You will put him with Misty. He will do good there." Afterwards forcefully shackle him with black and rusted chains that connected him to Matilda's dragon. She was a long thinner dragon with light green skin with a mixture of light and hot pink at the tips of her flowy back that were connected to her back like a shoal. She had light blue eyes like the shore of the ocean. She was still big enough and strong to ride which helped Matilda a lot with getting around places with Andrea. She was beautiful and she was named Misty. Andrea didn't pick Misty for Matilda. Matilda found Misty as a baby when she was abandoned because the Snatchers killed her parents along with other dragons in hope to find some Dragon Gold.

'What idiots they are!' Matilda always thought when thinking about Snatchers. Except for Draco, she only became sad because of her optimism and hope for him was more than unlikely to actually realistic. Matilda knew that but you never know. Andrea went up to Draco with Matilda and went straight to the point. "Where do we start?"
He slowly lifted his head and calmly and almost mumbled,

"We start by passing the Enchanted Lake of Bulifica, there's a stream near by that leads to it. The more the water shines the closer we are to the lake."
Andrea obviously didn't take his words to be legitimate so she questions him.
"Why is the water shiny? And how do we know what's shiny compared to your shiny!?"

Draco simply rolled his eyes. "The water is filled with diamonds. There's crusted to dust diamonds in the actual water and there's full on diamonds in the lake. It happened when a mountain filed with diamonds was shaken by an avalanche and it took some of the rocks with them."

Andrea suddenly pulls out her dagger again and threatens "Oh! So how do you know that!?"
She really could just let it go for a few minutes.
Draco hesitated for a second then said

"I grew up there, it's a lake that's connected to Kingdom of Bulifica, it comes from their land, there's rumors about them about have magical powers and shit but I don't know do it have anything to do with the diamonds."

Andrea grunt-fully sighs and stomps off away from to Matilda who was by Misty's side, hearing their whole conversation. Andrea growls

"He's impossible. He's lying. He's going to lead us into a death trap and then...."
Matilda sighs and rolls her eyes.

"You know maybe you're just too angry to think what he could've done instead of really seeing that he does want to help us. He could've escaped or ran away, believe me I know they teach them every way of getting away believe me I know that. But I can see there's at least some glimmer of hope in his eyes even if it's about to be gone. We should at least try."

Andrea just turned away from her friend and looked down in defeat and shame. "But..."

"If you really want to see what he's done. Do the thing where you see him through your dragons. It might hurt more than I know but at least we'll know the truth.... I'll finally know the truth."

Andrea slowly pulls her hand on top of Matilda's hand that happens to be on her shoulder and slowly walks away towards Draco. He turns to look at her after hearing footsteps behind him from the fallen leaves. Andrea walls a fast and touch's his should in a pushing way for a second, but in that one second Matilda can see.

She can see a young Draco and next to maybe his mother and father, surrounded by Snatchers. They tell Draco to join them or die but while Draco thinks for a second. That second is too long for them and they start grabbing Draco's mother by her long curly and fluffy blonde hair and her screams of agony snap Draco out of his mental gaze and then he gets up from the floor as soon as he hears his father being hanged up by the Snatchers and he's bloodied and bruised.  Draco screams at them to stop and that he'll join them. His first task is to kill one of the dragons they've captured. Draco shakes with his wand in his hand and looks at the baby dragon. Almost looking like Misty as a baby. It was Misty. Draco stood there shaking with his wand in his hand and he thought quickly. He thought of a sleeping spell that would hit hard enough to look like it was an attack. He swirls his wand in the air and screams "Acidino!" Then it blasts the dragon into a coma like sleep, falling to the ground while hardly moving. The Snatcher then offer the idea to eat the dragon but Draco insist that he would like to take of the dragon. He slowly lifted the baby dragon up and calmly walked out the door and then bolted as soon as he was out. He gently laid the dragon down in the floor next to a little stairway of a girls orphanage. Then he did the counter curse for the spell to wake up the poor little dragon. "Acidono!" .

Next Andrea saw an older Draco, similar to him now, running through a burning down village . All of the building a are destroyed and some didn't escape in time. Draco then sees a dragon stuck underneath a collapsed wall. He ran over to them and lifted the wall with the power of his wand and he tries pushing the dragon up on their feet but their too weak and Draco senses the weakness. He keeps pushing and trying to get them back up but it was no use. Draco began to have tears fall down his face as he muttered "No! No! No! No!" In absolute desperation. He knew that she would get back up so he just sat next to her around the burning city. With her laying down next to her , he just laid his back on her side while slowly letting her whispering that things are going to be alright. But then she closed her eyes and Draco felt himself lay still. He turned to her and saw her in a peaceful glance on her face but what Draco felt was the complete opposite. He wrapped his arms around the dragon and groaned as tears fell down his face as he muttered "No. No. No. No.... What have I done." As he cradled the dragon with his body heaving. But what surprised Andrea about this memory was that she could feel the dragon's last feelings during their death. Most of the time it was fear, loneliness or anger. But she didn't even feel a single smidge of that. She felt peace and a little sadness but mostly peace and security. She wasn't scared or lonely because she had Draco to comfort her. He was there even if they just met second before her death. She knew that she wouldn't be alone. He gave her a peaceful goodbye and slowly left after the fires had calmed down. Then headed to a near village that was safe from the Snatchers only to shortly reunite with them after bumping to each other on pathway. If he didn't they would've killed him.

The final thing she saw shocked her the most. It was the day before. The school attack, it was Draco standing next to an archer who was outside of the school in one of the towers. Draco was watching him get his bow and arrow ready and he slowly pointed straight at Andrea walking out of the school with Matilda walking into it. The archer slowly pulled back his arrow but just as he was about to let go. Draco jumped and pushes the archer down, stopping him from killing Andrea. Draco didn't just stop the archer from killing Andrea he accidentally pushed him too hard and he fell off the end of the tower and fell onto the hard snow covered grass part of the school, still as a rock. Draco pulled away from the sight and was breathing in shock and terror. What had he done.

Andrea then decided to pull away after what she saw. She then saw that she pushed Draco hard enough to make his foot dig into the muddy ground again but he just brushed it off and kept walking. Andrea stood still while letting the other go ahead of her except Matilda. Matilda notices Andrea's sudden silence and she elbows her side gently. "Hey, so what happened! What did you see!"

Andrea knew Matilda would like what she saw and now Andrea knew there was hope for Draco. Andrea took Matilda by the hand as they linked arms together while whispers filled Matilda's ear as Andrea told her what she saw.
Matilda had the biggest gleam of hope in her eyes.

Draco: Andrea's wrath Where stories live. Discover now