Authors note

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Okay I feel really bad about not finishing this story. Like really bad especially after logging onto wattpad after so long. 

I have a couple of reasons for this:

 I started this story when I was completed obsessed with wattpad around 2013-2015. I spent most of my time reading the stories on here and felt inspired to write my own. But I didn't think about how hard it actually was to write this story or any story really.

I started writing this story very young and as you can see after reading the first few chapters, my writing was terrible. I was young and inexperienced and that led to my story having a lot of mistakes and plot holes.

Looking back now, some of the stuff I've written is so embarrassing and although I like my own ideas within the story, there is a lot of work to be done. 

Anyway as I mentioned, I stopped using wattpad after 2015. The main reason was me growing up, finding new interests in life and using wattpad less and less. I ended up completely forgetting about wattpad and this story until around 2018. 

My friends and I were having a conversation about nostalgic things and Wattpad emerged as a topic. It was then that I remembered this story and what I had attempted to write. I felt terrible as I knew the feeling of reading a story on wattpad and not being able to finish it because of the lack of updates. I remember urgently finding my username and password details to check on the story. 

When I stopped using Wattpad, this story had a maximum of around 100 views, maybe even less? So when I logged in again, I was so shocked to see that this story had views in thousands. I read some of the comments and quickly uploaded another chapter (chapter 8). Although I vowed to finish the story and improve the writing, exams and other things quickly made me forget about the story and wattpad again. 

The first few chapters were uploaded quickly after one another because I used to be active on Wattpad but because I no longer used Wattpad, I forgot about everything again. 

Right now I've just finished exams and I was enjoying the holidays when I remembered Wattpad and as I said, I felt really bad after logging in seeing that there were even more views this time, along with comments asking me to update. 

Although it has been very long, I really want to finish this story. But I don't just want to leave it as it as, especially the first few chapters which sound so bad. So I will finish this story, but only after fixing the first few chapters. And by fixing, I don't mean small changes. I mean I will keep the same ideas but the characters will be more developed, and the writing will be way better. 

The storyline will also make much more sense and the characters will have more purpose. 

I am very sorry for not finishing this story and I will do my best to finish it now. I'm hoping to get it done by the end of this year or the beginning of next year. 

I will post the rewritten story after this authors note. It will be in parts, and the first chapter will be under Part I. 

The story will be completely rewritten, however I will use a lot of the original. But as I said, some of the other characters won't just be there for the sake of it, but they will actually have a role in the story and will also develop. I think an example is the sister and the brother who were kind of  just thrown in there in the first chapter. 

I will also aim to make the chapters much long and I'll probably combine some of the shorter chapters to make the story sound better.

I will try my best to finish this story since I started this with a lot of passion. Once I finish rewriting and publishing the existing chapters, I will remove the older chapters so that you can read the newer and better version of the story. I will also try to stick to the original plot line. 

I am very thankful for your support even after all these years (its been 6 years). Im very grateful that you guys have voted and commented on my story and thats what pushed me to try and finish the story. 

I have finished rewriting some of the chapters, but I want to finish Chapter 8 so that I can read over the story and make sure it connects and makes sense before I publish it. 

Thank you so so much, and again I'm very sorry if it upset you that I didn't update. I just really didn't imagine that my story would be read by that many people. And I never could've imagined that people would actually comment on it, especially asking me to update. So thank you very much for reading the story and I will try my best to finish. 

The first rewritten chapter will be up soon. Maybe in a day or two. And then the rest will follow in the same pattern.

Again, thank you so much. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2020 ⏰

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