Chapter 8

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The car ride back home was far from comfortable.

Jayden was still silent and didn't even bother to acknowledge me.
To be honest, I was kind of pissed off. I mean, what did I do wrong? All I did was kiss Michael instead of slapping him.

And it's not like Jayden's jealous because he clearly said that he wasn't.

Bored of the silence, and forgetting that this wasn't my car, I reached out my hand to put on some pop music.

Just as the perfect song came on, Jayden turned off the stereo and put in his own C.D.

It was classical music by some old composer named Bach. I was surprised. Its not everyday that you get to see one of the hottest guys in your life listen to classical music and enjoy it.

Wait, did I just call him hot? Okay, calm down Lauren. Just think of him as ugly. Instead of abs, think he has flabs.

I finally decided to break the silence by opening my mouth and talking to him.
"Are you jealous that I kissed Michael?"

For one moment there was just silence. Actually, I was wrong because it was silent for several moments.
After a while, I just gave up hope and stopped expecting an answer.

Slowly, I heard Jayden let out a sigh and then his hand reached towards the stereo to turn down the volume.
He then looked at me and replied in the most coldest voice ever,
"If I was jealous, I would have punched that guy in the face myself. "

I nodded in reply, feeling like an idiot and I was just opening my mouth to ask him my second question when he reached towards the radio and turned up the volume again.

Well, he was rude. I realised that there was no use trying to talk to him, because he would just ignore me and turn up the music even louder if it could go higher than the maximum volume at which it was at right now.

I don't know how his ears weren't exploding at this moment.

This was when I realised that the windows of the car were open, and the music was loud, I mean really loud.
And people on the streets were staring at us. Lots of people.

Now I'm not a shy person, but I do get overwhelmed when I know that lots of people are watching me or staring at me.

And right now, I felt more embarrassed than I ever had. but this didn't
seem to be affecting Jayden, he was driving normally without glancing at the people outside even once.

" Hey Jayden, can you please turn the volume down, or put the windows up, cos everyone's staring at us!"

All he did was ask "Why?"

I threw up my hands on frustration,
"Cos it's embarrassing,"

Instead of turning down the volume or putting up the windows, Jayden just looked at me and started smirking, and I realised that he was getting over his anger and back to himself. Which meant that he was gonna be snarky and sarcastic. And I was right.

"What could me more embarrassing than travelling with you, Lauren?"

He smirked as he said this and waited for my reaction, while I was fuming with anger. But just as I opened my mouth to reply, he spoke first,
"Time for you to go." and looking out the window, I saw my house with my sister standing outside it, smiling, but it seemed a bit forced.

I turned towards Jayden to say goodbye, but found him staring out his window instead, because apparently looking at grass is a better use of his time.
As I get out, I make sure to slam he door extra hard knowing that it made him uncomfortable.

Jayden didnt waste any time pulling away from the driveway, speeding his car down the road instead nearly running over a few pedestrians in the process, who jumped back in alarm jut in time.
I turned towards my sister to see her rolling her eyes at his behaviour.

"So how was the date...I mean lunch?" I could see my sister struggling to hold in her excitement and eagerness to know what had happened.

Pushing past her, i went straight to the kitchen looking for something to eat, with my sister trailing behind me. Sighing, I sat down at the dining table, and started to tell her what happened. her expressions didnt seem to change until I told her about kissing Michael. that's when she really freaked.

"Seriously Lauren,are you trying to get yourself in trouble?"
Confused by what she meant, I waited for an explanation.

"If Jayden tells his parents about this, they'll tell mum and dad and you'll be grounded for months."
She said this all with a very annoyed expression, as if she was sick and tired of me not doing things properly.

Having had enough talking to people today, I decided to take a nap.

"I need to rest, i'll talk later," I said to my sister, to nodded in agreement and also left the room.

I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow thinking about what was going to happen next.

Hello everyone! I am so so so sorry, I haven't updated for years, I think. I was actually very young when I started this story and I lost interest.

But now after re reading it, I have decided to finish it properly. I am going to be editing the story quite a lot, I'll also be changing some character personalities, so you might have to read the story from the start again. once I edit the whole story and change it, ill upload the new version.

Thank you for the support, and keep commenting and liking. also if you have suggestions or ideas, feel free to comment and tell me those ideas. i will now be dedicated to this story so keep an eye out for more updates.
Thank you for being so understanding.

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