Chapter 3 Meeting my 'soon to be husband.'

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I didn't need to eavesdrop anymore on their conversation as I already knew what was coming next. But i still couldn't get the thought of marrying Jayden into my head!

Sure he's good looking, (well thats an understatement), he's gorgeous, someone that every girl in school drools over but Im not annoyed by his looks, I'm annoyed by his attitude.

He acts as if he knows everything and that everything shall go by his command.
And not to mention that the one time i tried to make polite conversation with him, he ignored me with a disgusted look on his face probably thinking that i was desperate.

Well, back to the present.
While everyone enjoyed dinner by laughing and sharing jokes and stories, i wasted 45 minutes of the remaining day pushing the vegetables on my plate in a continuos pattern, (as if that was going to help solve my problem).

And just when i thought things couldn't get any more worse than they already were, they did.

I watched as my mum and dad started shifting uncomfortably in their seats, giving my siblings the silent signal that meant 'please would you leave the room.' But the expression on my parents face looked as if they wanted to say 'get out'!

Finally after my two siblings had figured out that they had wasted enough time to annoy everyone else, they gave me a smirk, but i could see in their eyes that they were worried and that they cared about me but knew that even if they did ask mum and dad to change their decision, no one would listen to them.

My mum finally made eye contact with me for the first time that evening and looked toward my dad, who was folding his napkin in different ways, not wanting to be the person telling me who I'm marrying.

i knew who i was marrying but i needed to double check. My mum then cleared her throat and started talking.

"As you know Lauren, your father and i have decided to get you married." My mum said that as if I already didnt know that.

"I also know that you are probably dying to know who you are marrying."

" So we decided to tell you that you are marrying Jayden Johnstone. The contract of the arrange marriage says that as soon as you are married, you will leave school as well as Jayden because he is the heir to his fathers company and will not go to school."

She said all if this in a bored, flat tone as if it meant nothing.

"I know this is going to be hard but, your soon to be in laws have decided that you and Jayden get married as soon as possible." Your wedding will be a month from now, and oh i forgot to mention that tomorrow you and Jayden are going to have lunch together to get to know each other better."

And before i could say anything she whizzed out of the room with my dad following behind.

I felt angry and annoyed. I mean seriously, its not like Jayden is ever going to talk to me so we dint need to get to know each other.

Sorry its short but ill try to make it longer.

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