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Hey guys! This one shot uses the Alex x Ollie ship, which was established in the first chapter. I would recommend reading that first, but it'll be fine if you don't as well.


"Look at you, you grew 3cm taller this week! Pretty soon you'll be looking down at me." Elliot joked, as he marked Oliver's height on their wall.

"I don't see that happening considering you were practically double my height at my age." Oliver answered.

Recently the boy had began to grow taller again and while before he would've been thrilled about it, because he had been waiting for this moment since middle school, now he wasn't so sure how he felt.

"You're so tiny and adorable short stack..."

"I love how perfectly you fit in my arms..."

"You're just the perfect size..."

"Everyone grows at their own pace baby bro, it's not uncommon for boys your age to suddenly get a massive growth spurt out of the blue." Elliot explained.

"I used to have a friend in highschool, name was Diego, remember Diego? He used to be the shortest kid in our class till 12th grade."

"Wait. The 7 ft tall Diego who has to bend when he's coming in through the door?" Oliver asked, eyes wide with shock.

"Yup. That Diego. He used to be shorter than you." The big brother nodded.

"No way..."

"Both our parents were pretty tall too kid, don't worry your time will come as well." Elliot reassured with a smile, but all the small teen could feel was dread.

What if he grew 7ft tall too?

He was probably gonna grow up to at least Elliot's height if his entire family was tall and if what his older brother said was true...

What if he grew taller than Alex?

Alex definitely wouldn't want to date him then... They would have to break up. He didn't want to break up.

Oliver didn't want to be taller. He wanted to be 'short stack' forever.

He knew that he acted like he was annoyed by it, but he actually really loved it when his boyfriend called him that.

He didn't want to grow anymore...

"Let's head to school kiddo so that we can pick up your lunch on the way, gotta make good use of the time you've got left..."


"Watcha readin' short stack?" Alex asked as he stuck his head in the crook of the smaller boy's neck.

"Nothing important." Ollie answered.

"Eleven foods that make you taller..." The older teen read out loud from his phone screen, "You trying to get taller Ollie?"

"None of your business." The smaller teen firmly brushed him off, instantly putting his phone away.

That was weird, he never spoke to Alex like that. Sure he got flustered easily, but he never completely shut the older teen out.

Was it because he teased him all the time for being short? He hadn't meant to hurt his feelings or make him insecure, it was just his way of showing affection...

He thought his boyfriend knew that but maybe he hadn't made it very clear...

"Hey, I think you're cute, handsome and perfect just the way you are. I would change nothing about you..." The older teen hugged him from behind and placed a kiss on his cheek, hoping it would make the other feel better.

[Boy x Boy One-shots] Falling, Falling, FallenWhere stories live. Discover now