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Hey guys! This one shot uses the Alex x Ollie ship, which was established in the first chapter. I would recommend reading that first, but it'll be fine if you don't as well.


Alex hadn't been sleeping very well recently because he had been up late for the past few nights, catching up on all the work that he had missed while he was out of school, practicing for the 'International High School Swimming Championship'.

He got first place in almost all the races, and went out to his favourite restaurant after, to celebrate with Ollie.

It was a really great day, but the missed coursework and class activities that came with it were not...

Last night he was up until 3 am just catching up on math, which ended with the teen managing to get only two and a half hours of sleep before school, leaving him with a slight headache in the morning.

Why did Math teachers have literally no sympathy?

Alex thought once he was up and going the pain would fade away, but the pounding in his head only got worse after two hours of what sounded like complete gibberish and complaining about not taking class seriously (so basically just your typical English lesson).

The teen thought he would go to the clinic to take a nap before his next class if any beds were empty, but he then remembered that he had promised to help Ollie out with his photography project.

"Are you asking me because you think I'm so handsome and photogenic?" Alex smirked.

"No, its cuz I don't have any other friends." The smaller teen said bluntly.

"Tomato, tomaato" The older teen emphasized, before wrapping his arms around the boy's lean shoulders. "I'll be there."

Ollie always helped him out with school work and homework assignments, so Alex could not bail on him, the one time he asks for help.

He made his way to the library where they had decided to meet up.

As usual, he found Ollie curled up on his bean bag reading a novel he had become completely engrossed in since he borrowed it last week.

Ollie was very picky when it came to things like books and TV shows, but when he took a liking to something, he became obsessed with it.

Alex thought it was adorable.

The younger let out a small giggle as he flipped the page, making Alex smile.

He knew always said this but seriously, how could someone possibly be this cute?

"Hey short stack!" He called out, waving his hand to get the teen's attention as he approached him.

"Hey." He waved back, neatly placing a bookmark in his novel and closing it before turning to his boyfriend.

"Did you manage to finish Math last night?" He asked.

"Barely." Alex sighed, before dropping onto the bean bag, next to Ollie.

"You sound tired..." The smaller teen pushed the sandy locks off the jock's face to have a better look.

He looked exhausted. His face was completely pale and he had dark circles under his eyes.

"You should've stayed home today. You don't look too well." Ollie said with a worried frown.

"And missed out on more work? No thanks." Alex snorted, but Ollie wasn't laughing or smiling, he was still looking at him with that concerned expression he always got when he was anxious about something.

[Boy x Boy One-shots] Falling, Falling, FallenWhere stories live. Discover now