Double Date

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Hey guys! This one shot uses the Alex x Ollie ship, which was established in the first chapter. I would recommend reading that first, but it'll be fine if you don't as well.


"Oh my gosh look at them!"

"They look like they're from a gang or something."

"So scary!"

The hallways parted, students whispering behind Danny's back as they walked through the unfamiliar corridor of their new school.

What a great fresh start to the new academic year.

Everyone already hated them and it was their first day. No, first two hours.

"Excuse me," Danny asked, half expecting the small teen in front of them to run away or make an excuse after seeing their face like the past few people they had approached.

They never did anything wrong, but people just made assumptions about them by looking at their aesthetic.

"Oh, hi." The brunette said shyly, looking slightly surprised for a moment. "Do you need something from me?"

"Uh...Hi! I'm new here. Do you mind telling me where the library is?" They asked, running their fingers through their short, spiky platinum hair nervously.

Despite how they looked to other people with their numerous piercings, studded clothing, half shaved head and leather jacket, they could actually be pretty awkward when it came to talking to new people.

After all, they didn't have much experience. Usually the other kids avoided them after looking at their appearance...

They didn't get it. It was just a style, what they liked to wear! Why did everyone instantly judge their personality based on that?!

There were numerous times where they had considered going back to dressing 'normally', but they never did, because if someone judged them by something as silly as their fashion, they probably weren't worth the time.

"I was just going there actually. You can come with me if you like." The teen in front them suggested with a small smile.

Danny's eyes widened in surprise. Was this kid, who was literally half their size, not intimated by them?

That was new, since they had literally seen people double their height, trying to avoid them.

Danny didn't know how to react.

"I-I understand if you don't want to! I'll just tell you where it is. I'm sorry, that was a stupid suggestion." The smaller teen quickly added, when Danny didn't respond.

"N-no! I'm sorry. I would love to! Thank you for your offer. I was just surprised that's all." Danny stuttered back.

Ughh they were so bad at this!

"Oh ok..." The other responded, looking slightly relieved.

With that, the two headed towards the school library in an awkward silence, glancing at each other occasionally before looking away.

"Y-you said you were new here. What's your name?" The brunette suddenly asked, with a blush.

"My name is Daniella but I prefer being called Danny. My pronouns are they/them. I'm in year 13, how about you?"

"Hey Danny. Same here, I'm in year 13 too. My name's Oliver. My pronouns are he/him." The boy responded.

The duo went back to an awkward silence again as they approached the location.

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