Chapter 5

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Few hours ago.

Shiori slowly opened her eyes and looked at the ceiling in a daze . When suddenly, she heard a soft thud noise beside her. She turned to her left and saw Yumi standing there with a fallen steel bowl . The said maid was standing there like a surprised manequin. Yumi blinked for sometime before apologizing for her rudeness.

"Good Morning Shiroi-sama, how are you feeling "

"I guess better then ever " Shiroi said with a confused look . The maid nodded happily and gave her some water to drink . "It feels weird , my body.... I mean."

"It's probably because you were sleeping for a whole week, Shiroi-sama"

"A week !!?"

"I should quickly inform everyone including Kuroko-sama "

"Who is this Kuroko ?" Shiroi asked. "And where is Seijuro?"

"Kuroko-sama is a staying here as a guest for sometime "Yumi said as a small smile came across her face. " And as for Seijuro-sama , he went to buy some medicine for you. He should be back anytime soon, Shiroi-sama "

"Yumi, can you bring me warm milk with some honey. My throat hurts a little " Shiroi said as the maid bowed and went outside to prepare it . The way, the straight faced Yumi smiled, it can only mean that, Kuroko is not a bad guy, Shiroi thought. A soft knock was heard outside the room as a feeling of uneasiness start building in her stomach.

"Who is it?"

"It's Kuroko Tetsuya, Akashi-san." Kuroko said from the other side of the door .

Speak of the devil.

"Please come inside, Kuroko-kun " Shiroi said as she saw a tealnette coming inside . He was having a blank expression but his eyes were looking at her. More like staring at her as if scanning her . Shiroi also stared at the tealnette figure before he suddenly spoke up.

"Hello , Akashi-san " Kuroko said politely and bowed in respect. Shiroi flinched from the sudden movement as her face got a little red from embarrassment.

"I have never seen your face before "

"Because, it's our first time seeing each other in person "

"I don't want to be rude but why are you here, Kuroko-kun?"

"Because of heavy snowing, I was unable to get back home. So, Akashi-kun invited me to stay here for sometime" Kuroko said as Shiroi looked outside to see snowy mountains outside the mansion. So, the boy was telling the truth ?

"Kuroko-kun , why don't you sit down here.. I dont want my guest to stand alone there, while I sit comfortably on the bed" Shiroi said as she offered the seat beside her bed.

Kuroko hesitated a little before taking the seat . Shiroi suddenly ,cupped Kuroko's face . This time it was the tealnette who flinched from the sudden movement. Shiroi's eyes widened in surprise . She quickly  withdraw her hands and stood up from the bed , leaving it between them .

"Akashi-san, you shouldn't be standing so suddenly " Kuroko said worriedly but Shiroi ignored it. She keep staring no, glaring at the tealnette while slowly walking towards the door.

"You're a demon " Shiroi mumbled. Kuroko didn't said anything about the known fact which made Shiroi confident about her answer. She opened the door and went outside , quickly locking the door .

"I am home "

"Seijuro , tell me who is this demon and why is he here?"

After sometime Kuroko was standing approx. 4 meters away from Shiroi. His eyes traced to Shiroi then at Akashi, who was doing the same. It seemed like Kuroko went on to check on mother when she woke up, Akashi thought . But , how come she knew that Kuroko was a demon ? . He was pretty sure the tealnette won't reveal his identity that easily. So, the only option is, his mother probably guessed it or she already knew it , like a sixth sense.

"Mother, his name is Kuroko Tetsuya . I found him near the city hall , homeless. So , I decided to help him by letting him stay here for awhile " Akashi said the same story he told everyone in this mansion except Kuroko and mother . Kuroko immediately looked down at his feet. Did he said something wrong ?

"But he told me he was a close friend of yours and decided to stay here because of bad weather "


"Tell me the truth, Seijurou. What's going on ? Why is a demon here ?" Shiroi asked again. Akashi looked at Kuroko for any response .

"It's ok , Akashi-kun" Kuroko nodded as Akashi did the same . So, Akashi told Shiroi everything that happened last week. Shiroi frowned a lot during the conversation . Most probably she didn't like the ignorance of the people and doctors. Or maybe because of a demon living with them . Kuroko choosed the first one.

"Is that so " Shiroi said as she hugged Akashi as he hugged her back . " I am sorry for scaring you, Seijuro ".

"It's ok, Mother. The only thing that matters is that, you're fine and standing infront of me roght now." Akashi said as Shiroi smiled before breaking the contact.

"Well, T-thank you Kuroko-kun and I am sorry for being rude. It's just that, I never expected Seijuro to meet a demon again" Kuroko only nodded and left. " where is he going?"

"Most probably his room to sleep . He is more of a night owl ." Akashi said as he took his mother hands. " You must be hungry, Mother . Let's grab something for you to eat"

"Yeah , I am starving, I can eat a whole buffalo all alone" Shiroi joked as Akashi chuckled. It's been a while since he laughed at her joke. It was not that good but Akashi couldn't judge since he can't make any of it . He makes terrible jokes and was glad that he doesn't have to make more of it for entertainment.

"So, Seijurou. I can guess that you have been living with Kuroko-kun for a week then "

"I do. He haven't done anything else then staring , eating and sleeping "

"Are you sure ?  "

"I am. Why do you ask that ?"

"It's nothing. I just don't trust him "


Hope,  you all are fine and healthy.💜~

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