Chapter 3

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I'm lying here under Reed, totally exhausted in a perfect way.

"Wow!" Reed exclaims.

I tell him, "That was incredible!"

After Reed catches his breath, he rolls off of me. I miss his warmth immediately and shiver.

"Are you cold?" Reed must have felt me shiver.

"I'm not; I just miss your warmth," I admit.

"You are extraordinary," he says sweetly.

I go to sit up. I know the routine for one-night stands; wham bam, thank you, ma'am. Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out! Reed gently pulls me back into his arms.

"Where do you think you're going?" he demands.

I turn my face and smile at him. "I know how this goes."

Reed raises his eyebrows. "You do? Please tell me, how does this go?"

My cheeks flush in embarrassment. "Um, you know, thanks for the good time, honey, but there's the door."

He laughs then squeezes me tightly. "Is that what you want?"

I'm taken aback by his question.

He continues, "Do you just want to experience the magic that we just made together one time?"

I take a moment to think about never experiencing the mind-blowing sex that we just had. I honestly would love it over and over again, but I didn't think men thought about it that way. I knew that I was a conquest, he succeeded, and now it's on to the next prize.

"Cheryl?" Reed is waiting for my answer.

"Um, no. I would love to feel what we did over and over again," I answer honestly.

He smiles brightly. "Me too. So please, stay."

I relax into his embrace. He takes possession of my lips, and we make magic over and over again till our bodies can't move, and sleep overtakes us.


I wake up the following day, and it takes a second to get my bearings. With Reed's arms wrapped around me, I look at the clock on the end table. It reads 11:35 a.m. I take a minute to look at the sleeping man next to me. He looks so peaceful. I have to pee, but I don't want to disturb him.

I jump a little when I hear him speak in a gruff morning tone. "Hey, creeper! Quit watching me sleep."

I take in a sharp breath. Reed smiles and opens one eye. "Good morning, Beautiful."

I return his smile. "Good morning, Handsome."

He pulls me closer. "Reed?"

"Hmmm?" he replies sleepily.

"I have to pee," I reveal.

He laughs and releases me from his grasp. I get up and use his bathroom to relieve myself. I wash my hands then I open the door.

I almost run right into Reed, who is standing right outside of the bathroom. "My turn."

My eyes go down to his morning wood. When I look back up, I catch his eyes scanning my entire naked body. I feel the heat in my cheeks. My center aches with the knowledge of how this man can please me. I step aside to let him pass. As he goes by, he touches me, and every nerve ending he touches goes on high alert. When he shuts the bathroom door, the spell he had on me broke. I find that I'm missing him even though just a door separates us.

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