Chapter 24

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Gus just helped me to my feet and asked if I was hungry. I haven't eaten anything since breakfast. I told him that I was starving.

Gus smiles. "Let me see what I have here."

He walks over to a small refrigerator and opens it.

"Anything would be fine," I tell him.

A chime sound reveals that someone has entered the building.

Gus pulls his head out of the refrigerator. "Sounds like I have a customer."

He must see the panic on my face. "Don't worry, Cheryl. I will not let anyone back here. When I leave this room, you need to lock it behind me. Don't let anyone in but me."

I nod my understanding, and he slips out of the door. I ran over and quickly locked the door as he instructed me.

I can hear their conversation. "Hello, can I help you?"

"Yes, sir. Have you seen this woman?" I hear Todd's voice and freeze.

There's a pause. "No, sir. Is she in trouble?"

"I'm just worried about her. She's my, um, sister. She has emotional issues. We fought, and she ran off."

What a load of bullshit, Todd.

"There might have been someone that looked a little like her walking down the road. If I see her again, would you like me to call you?" Gus tries to lead Todd in a different direction.

Way to go, Gus.

"That's okay; I'm sure she'll show up. Which direction did you see the woman go?" Todd asks.

Gus misdirects Todd. "I didn't see the direction she came from, but I did see her heading towards 5th Street. I don't mind calling you. If you want to give me your information, I can let you know if she comes by again."

"No. My sister might already be back home. Thank you," Todd lies.

Gus replies, "You're very welcome. Good luck finding her. I hope you're right about her returning home. Not a lot of good goes on around here at night."

Todd quips, "I hope so too. Have a good night, and thank you for your time."

I hear the door chime again. Gus waits several moments before returning to the backroom; he knocks on the door. "Cheryl, it's me, Gus."

I'm shaking as I unlock the door and look to ensure it's just Gus.

"I'll return to the front and wait for the police. If that guy returns, I want to make sure he sees me working alone," he informs me.

"Okay," I say shakily.

Gus gently touches my shoulder. "Help yourself to anything you find here."

I manage a small smile. "Thank you; I will."

He gives me a sweet smile before leaving me again. "Lock up."

"Yes, sir."

After I lock the door, I rummage through the cabinets and refrigerator. I found a jar of peanut butter and a loaf of bread. The fridge had what looked to be homemade strawberry jam, so I made myself a PB&J. On the counter was a container of hard pretzels, so I grabbed a few and placed my sandwich and pretzels on a paper plate I came across while checking the cabinets. I found bottled water and soda in the fridge, opted for water, and sat at the square table to feast on my food. It was the best PB&J that I've ever eaten. It must be the homemade jam.

As I finish my last bite, I freeze as I hear the front door chime again. I listen intently, expecting it to be Todd again, but I only recognize Gus's voice. "Good evening. Can I help you?"

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