Chapter 16

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Patty didn't stay long. Cheryl and I convinced her to go to the police when she got home from Philadelphia, and we also told her to stay away from Todd.

What the hell is up with Todd? I've never known him to be so violent. We talked about how we liked rough sex, but that all changed for me once I met Cheryl. I don't even crave it anymore. The way we make sweet, passionate love together has ended up being more potent than anything I had experienced before Cheryl.

Before Cheryl, I just used those women. I got what I wanted and how I wanted it from them. It's so different with Cheryl. I want to spend all day bringing her pleasure before I ever even think about pleasing myself. The stark difference is that I love her so damn much, and the thought that Todd tried to take that from me makes me angrier than I've been in my entire life.

I need to protect the love Cheryl and I share, and I need to protect my child, my child. We're having a baby, and Todd even ruined that for me. I had to find out from my heartbroken wife, sitting and crying in our fucking bathtub. After everything he did, I won't regret cutting ties with him.

I'm not going to lie to myself; a part of me is sad to be losing my best friend, my brother, but I have a family that needs me, and I need them. They're my life now, and no one, especially Todd, will take that from me.

I hear the shower turn off and know Cheryl will be out shortly. It is only 9 a.m., and I feel like a day has passed. I go to pour a cup of coffee for Cheryl, then stop. I remember hearing from a co-worker that his wife had to give up caffeine during her pregnancy.

Cheryl enters the kitchen, her wet curls hanging loosely around her shoulders. God, she's so fucking beautiful. I get a lump in my throat, knowing that she's carrying my child and how close I was to losing it all today.

"I was going to pour you a cup of coffee..." I admitted.

"No caffeine." She smiles, and I can't help myself. I must have her in my arms. I walk over to her and pull her close, breathing in her floral scent, and unexpected tears well up in my eyes, threatening to spill over.

I blink them back and get a hold of my emotions. "I can't believe that we're having a baby. I hope it's a sweet little girl with beautiful curly chestnut hair like her mother."

Cheryl squeezes me. "Mmmm. I hope it's a boy with deep, dark brown eyes that sparkle with mischief just like his father."

I pull back and look into my wife's honey eyes. "You think my eyes sparkle with mischief?"

She laughs, and damn, it's so much better than the tears from just an hour ago. "Yep!"

Her face suddenly turns serious. "Babe, I'm nervous for Patty. I have a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach."

"She'll be fine. She was heading right to the police after arriving back in Philadelphia." I try to ease my wife's mind.

"We should have gotten her number to check on her," she sighs.

"No offense to Patty, but I wouldn't mind never seeing her again," I say what I'm thinking.

Cheryl turns her face to look up at me. "Why?"

"Why?" I repeat her question.

Cheryl nods her head.

"Because Cheryl, she may have been just as innocent as I was in what happened this morning, but she was still in bed with me. I feel very uncomfortable around her." I confess.

Cheryl processes what I said. "I understand. I don't feel great about you two being in bed together, even if it was a setup. I still can't shake this bad feeling."

I pull her back into me. "Todd may have gotten pissed and taken it too far, but I don't think that he's going to bother her again. Especially if she stays away from him as you told her to do."

Cheryl speaks into my chest, "I guess you are right."

I attempt to change the subject. "So, when did you find out about the baby?"

Cheryl takes a moment before replying. "Yesterday, I had planned a cute way of telling you."

She moves out of my arms, reaches on the counter, and grabs a bun. "I was planning on putting this in the oven."

I chuckle. "A bun in the oven. That's cute."

Cheryl walks into the living room, and I follow her.

"I also had these tee shirts made up. I was going to wear mine under a button-down shirt." She holds a black tee shirt that says, "Does This Shirt Make Me Look Like a Dad?" In bold white letters. She also has an adorable razor-back black tank that says, "Does This Shirt Make Me Look Pregnant?"

I smile at her plan to tell me about our child, then grimace that her thoughtful plan went to shit because of someone I thought was my friend. "I'm so sorry that Todd shattered your plans."

Her eyes glisten, and I don't hesitate to rush over and take her back into my arms. "I have an idea."

"What?" she whispered against my chest.

I hold her close as I tell her my idea. "Let's have Kandie and Tank over for a cookout. I'll make Italian chicken on the grill. We'll both wear our shirts and conceal them with button-down shirts till the big reveal with dessert. We can bake some cupcakes and frost them with blue and pink frosting and draw question marks on them."

Cheryl gets a big grin on her face, and it makes my fucking day. Tank and I have become good friends over the last two years. We do many get-togethers as couples and Tank and I golf and go fishing on Tank's boat.

"I would like that," she says excitedly.

Cheryl grabbed her phone off of the coffee table, where she haphazardly threw it with her keys and purse after returning from the horrific sight of me naked with another woman. Anger burns inside of me again at the thought.

I lean over her shoulder and watch her text.

Hey! Do you and Tank want to come over for dinner? Reed is grilling his famous Italian chicken breasts.

I place my chin on her shoulder, and we await Kandie's response.

That sounds wonderful. Funny thing, Tank and I would invite you for burgers and hot dogs. Reed's chicken sounds so much better! What can I bring?

Cheryl and I look at each other and smile.

Your famous pasta salad, of course!

I could eat an entire bowl of Kandie's pasta salad myself!

What time do you want us?

Cheryl looks at me. "What do you think?"

I answer her, "5:00, okay?"

Cheryl texts Kandie back.

Does 5:00 work for you guys? We'll eat at 5:30-6:00.

Kandie responds.

Works for us, see you then.

I'm still standing behind Cheryl, wrapping my arms around her. I place my hands on her belly, where our child is growing, and kiss the top of her head. I didn't think that it was possible to love this woman more, but damn, I do.



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