Chapter 17

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Reed and I are putting the finishing touches on the cupcakes. We both took off today after the events from this morning. We wanted to spend the day together processing everything that happened in the last 24 hours.

I glance over at my husband. He's concentrating on making the perfect question mark on top of a blue cupcake. I smile. He looks up at me and catches me off guard. He returns my smile before getting back to his task.

As much as I'm trying, I can't get the image of Reed's panicked face out of my head when I open the door to the shock of my life. Him naked, standing next to the bed that he inadvertently shared with big tits Patty. I close my eyes, trying to erase the image from my mind. I kept telling myself that it was nothing. They did nothing. He loves me and would never do that to me intentionally, would he?

I remember the call that I received from Todd early this morning. How could I not see that this was a setup? I replayed the entire conversation in my head.


I had fallen asleep on the couch, waiting for Reed to get home. My phone rings. It's Reed!

"Reed?!" I say sleepily, feeling like I'm in some dream.

"It's Todd."

What the hell, Todd?

"Todd, why are you calling me on Reed's phone?"

Suddenly, I'm wide awake. "Oh my, God! Is Reed okay?"

I can't hide the panic in my voice.

Todd says, "He drank way too much last night. I think you should come here and get him. I will text you my address."

I look at the clock. It is 5:00 a.m. What the hell? "Okay, I'll be there as soon as I can. Thanks for calling me, Todd." I hang up the phone.

I'm pissed driving the whole way to Todd's. I'm going to kill Reed. The closer I get to Todd's, the more pissed I am. When I arrive, I pound on Todd's door. He opens it with a smirk on his face. Of course, what an asshole.

"Where the fuck is he, Todd?" I yell louder than I intended.

Todd doesn't appreciate me yelling at him. "Bitch, I don't need to answer to you. Especially not in my house!"

I walk past him and start pulling open doors until I find the one with my naked husband standing there while another woman is in his bed.


How could I have been so stupid? I walked right into his trap, and now I'll never be able to unsee what I saw this morning. I sneak another peek at Reed. I love him so much and decided never to hold what happened today against him. It wouldn't be fair to him.

Reed smiles proudly at me."All done. How do they look?"

"Perfect!" I grin.

Just then, the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it," Reed announced.

Reed walks to the front door to let our guests enter. "Hey, guys! Thank you for joining us on such short notice."

"I told Cheryl we would call you to get together, so this is perfect." I heard Kandie telling Reed before Tank spoke.

"Yes, thank you for having us."

"I was about to put the chicken on the grill. Tank, you want to grab some beers and join me?" Reed asked.

"Absolutely," Tank replied.

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