this is based on a head cannon I found online
Ughh. The DADA teacher just called the us and Lily to join for a special defence class. As I sat at the table in the great hall I overheard Lily saying something about how only selected students from each house had been selected .... on the basis of their DADA performance.
I shared a glance with Prongs at this. We smirked at each other. Not to boast or anything, but me and my fellow marauders are amazing at DADA, well all except Peter I guess. But he still managed to pass his OWLS and took the elective for his NEWTS, so he isn't necessarily terrible.
Prongs had now gone back to staring at Evans. I can't take this any longer. The poor sod has been mooning after her since first year, and honestly it's annoying us now. Maybe this year I can some how get them together to stop this once for all. So I turned to Lily
" Oi EVANS, did you know that even Prongs got invited to the special DADA class?" I smirked as I noticed something different in her eyes before she masked it with a look of annoyance.
" Ughh, sod off Black."
I winced. Though it had been a complete year since I ran away to the Potters, my surname still bothered me. It was an unwanted burden that I did not wish to carry. Prongs turned to me and secretively placed his hand over mine with a look in his eyes that clearly meant "WE'RE HERE FOR YOU". I smiled back at him, I was not going to carry that burden alone. I had my friends, no- my FAMILY to support me.
I still missed my baby brother though. I have not spoken to me after I left. Regulus was just misinformed and he was turned by our family. I still have hope, that my baby brother will realize his mistake.
We went to the DADA classroom along with Prongs, Moony, Wormtail and Evans. There were around 10-12 students from each house. The students had been diverse in the years they were from. As I looked to the Slytherins, I noticed Snivellous was there ( Prongs was glaring at him).
Soon, the professor entered the room. Turns out we were supposed to practice forming a corporeal patronus. All of the marauders shared a subtle glance. We had already perfected ours before becoming animagi. The four of us made our way to the back of the class as everyone had started practicing.
The class was going to be a piece of treacle tart.
I had to go to the stupid DADA class. Don't get me wrong, I like DADA and I do fare well in the subject, but not everyone can know that. I have a reputation to uphold as the heir black, after Sirius left.
Sirius, Siri. Merlin, I missed him. But I couldn't disobey my parents, I was not brave like Siri to stand up to them, nor did I stand up for him. I was a coward. He probably hates me right now, I couldn't stand up to my parents along with him and now he's gone. He ran to the Potters.
I have to get the dark mark this summer, but I don't want to. Bella says that it would be the greatest honor brought to our family. But I did not ask for this honor or name, I asked for NONE OF IT. Siri was the only one who believed in me constantly, and now even he is gone. I'll do it, if I listen to everything they say, he'll be safe . The'll leave him alone. He'll be safe.
I made my way to the DADA classroom. As I reached there , the first person I noticed was Sirius. My parents had forced me to ignore him this year, and Cissy was always behind me and giving reports of the happenings in Hogwarts to my mum. I made my way to a nearly hidden corner hoping to be ignored by my brother and his friends.

Tales of the Black Lion
Fanfiction'the black lion' the brave slytherin who was unknown for his deeds Regulus , designated α Leonis, is the brightest object in the constellation Leo