hanging out?

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Kade's Pov

When we showed up to her house it. Was normal. But definitely fancy for her used to being a bad girl then again its her parents not just her.

K; hey wait before we go in whats your siblings and baby's name?
E; my brothers name is emmit and my sisters name is emily. And Kai is my sons name hes almost 14months.
K; so hes not that little?
E; no he is he was a Pre me baby and he will probably be smaller then most boys his age because of when i had him. But i dont regret him but because i was so young there was alot of complications with the pregnancy. Lets go.

We started to head inside as she was opening the door im guessing her mom was yelling to emmit that emma would be home soon and to be careful with the babys.

E; hey mom.
EM (emmas mom); oh hi sweetheart you're home good. Who's this?
E; mom this is kade, kade this is my mom.
EM; hello dear but I need to go im already almost late and yo-
E; hes not my dad.
EM;tod will be home soon. Kade here might not want to be hes a little upset that you forgot your phone yesterday and alomost made him late this morning because you needed a ride.
E; alright. He just wanted to come and hangout for a little.
EM; oh you had your date tell me about it when I get home k?
E;k. Bye

K; she seems nice.

I had said that as we were going to what I presume is the living room.

E; yeah but she keeps trying to convince me tod is my dad which dont get me wrong hes cool and has been around sense i was six which is longer than my actual dad but hes still not the real thing y'know
K; yeah I get it. So what's the plan?
E; ummm well emily and kai are taking a nap. So its just emmit and I so i normally make us food.
K; ok. Ill help.
E; really?
K; I'm here to hangout and help. rember?
E; right.

*in kitchen*

Shes so adorable. NO! You can't get feelings bad boys dont get feelings. She's just so sweet i don't understand how she once was bad she seems to nice.

K; i got a game to play while we cook.
E; okay?
K;how about twenty questions?
E;sure. You ask first i have to think.
K; okay. Whats your favorite color?
E; violate. You?
K; like a bright green.
E; so your not so dark and mysterious after all.
K; whatever my turn. Why did you move here?
E; parents. Tod and mom got married so with his business and wanting to start fresh with the new family we moved here. Have you lived in this town all your life?
K; pretty much parents were highschool sweethearts they had my older brother before college. Got married a few months after he was born. Did the college life together then had me and my sister.
E; so you guys are twins?
K; yup! Now my turn. Thoughts on Cace?
E; hes nice but I think he likes your sister.
K: he would never like my sister.
E; okay sure but either way your sister fell for your bestfriend and your bestfriend fell for your sister. Basically what I'm saying is they definitely like each other.
K; my sister liking him might be true but he doesn't like her that way he likes you.
E; what? * confused face*
K; oops.... i wasnt supposed to say anything.
E; when did he say this?
K; at the skatepark. Why?
E; he text me earlier today during free period, needing advice about a girl. I assumed it was about your sister from the way he talked about the girl and the fact that he said that it was her.
K; seriously?
E; *nods* we better finish the pasta.
K;alright beautiful.*winks*
E; *gasp* I thought i was hot?
K; yeah well no word is good enough to describe how beautiful you are.
E; your already matchering im proud.
K why thank you.

*after cooking*

*noises upstairs*

E;oh gosh that kai.
K; you want me to go?
E; nah I got it he gets scared with new people.
K; well can I at least come with?
E; sure.

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