hanging with the boys

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Cace's Pov

Last night I asked Viv to be my girlfriend and she said yes i was so happy. I've had a crush on her for a long time. I would try and distract myself with a girlfriend once in awhile but it never really worked. Though I care about mine and kades friendship, she's a girl I cant pass on and luckily kade understands that.

K; wassup man?

Speaking of the guy.

C; nothing much you?
K; just trying to figure somethings out. *sigh*
C; like what? Figuring how to makeout with Emma again?
K; what are you talking about?
C; dude seriously? You guys were making out yesterday when we were all hanging out. Also constitly flirting.
K; okay and?*walking to his locker*
C; all im saying is when are you going to ask her out? I mean you both clearly like each other.
K; we have a date planned.
C; okay so you going to ask her?
K; what do I need to ask her?
C; to be your girlfriend idiot!
K; whatever, me and her are just friends for know. Do I like her yeah of course she's an amazing girl. But I know that either two things will happen with us together. Either she goes back to her old ways of how she used to be before here. Or....
C; or?
K; i change from being the town bad boy to being a step-dad.
C;oh yeah she has a kid.
K;exactly and i know im not perfect nobody is, but i want to be there for her and him. But im worried that her being around us and are crowd will change her. I mean im not afraid to change for her im afraid that she'll try to change so that we fit together.
C; and you dont want that for the kid.
K; finally something smart came from your mouth. I got to go latter.
C; latter.

Im worried for him. I like Emma i do and I like the thought of them being together but he always thinks he needs to be perfect for everyone. Which isnt always bad but in this case im worried he might go to soft for her. Then end up having his heart broken.

Kade's Pov

I know he's going to think im crazy and that im going soft, but the thing is im not. The only thing that's happening is that im realizing not all thing have to have partys involved or drugs. Okay maybe I am starting to go a little soft. The thing is nobody will know though nobody can ever tell when my feelings are too much. The main thing is i don't want to screw up what she's worked for of finally being able to take care of her son like she should and not care what people think. Just while I was thinking all this amd walking down the hallway, I saw her talking to my sister. So I went up behind her and covered her eyes.

K;*higher voice* guess who?
E; ummm, im guessing Kade. Sense you sound like him. *laughs*

I pulled my hands off her face and she turned to face me.

E; ha! I knew it!
K; i dont sound like that.
V; dude it was literly just talking.
K; no i was trying to make my voice higher.
E&V; whatever.
V; weres Cace?
K; dont know hes your boyfriend
E; thats true he is her boyfriend but if I'm not mistaken he was your best friend first.
K; really gonna take her side?
E; duh shes my bestfriend.
V; this is gonna be good.*whispers to self*
K; yeah but I thought i was also your bestfriend.
E; you are.
RK(random kid); *talking to friends around him* so bestfriends kiss then.
K; what are you talking about?
RK; everyone knows you guys have kissed.
E; okay and?
RK; I'm just saying most friends don't kiss each other.
K; whatever lets go Em. *puts arm around her*
E; alrighty. * walking*
V; wait for me! * running to catch up to them*

We were then outside Cace came and joined us and he put his arm around my sister also.

V; that kid ruined a really cute moment between you too.
C; what happened?
V; kade tried having Em guess who was covering her eyes, and they started arguing cause I asked where you were. Kade started getting upset emma took my side that he should of known where you were instead of me because you guys are bestfriends. He was questioning about them being bestfriends when this kid started saying he didn't know bestfriends kiss.
C;well i missed alot.
K; okay whatever getting back to the point. I thought i was your bestfriend too.* talking towards Emma*
E; you are but me and her have a different type of bestfriend relationship then me and you. Plus were girls. Were supposed to agree with each other.
K; oh really?
E; really!
V&C; *tk each other* this is gonna be good.
K; are you sure?
E; duh!
K; okay fine!

I picked her up over my shoulder and she tried squirming away. After awhule of me holding her we heard a click. Like a picture being taking and when i heard that i put her down. I saw my sister taking pictures of us.

E; what the hell?
K; why are you taking pictures of us?
V; because, you guys are cute!
C; she aint wrong.
E; whatever me and viv have to go we gotta take care my baby boy.
K&C; okay bye.
V&E; bye!

C; hey sense there going to hangout we should go hangout and skateboard.
K; cool Idea let's go.

<at skatepark>

We were skateboarding and not gonna lie we drank and smoked a bit. Not alot but some. I kept seeing these girls looking over at us. They looked to be around are age. Neither of them were as beutiful as Emma.

RG1; hey!
C&K; hi?
RG2; we thought you were cute and wanted your numbers. Btw im Willa and this is Monica.
C; sorry I have a girlfriend. But im Cace and this is Kade.
M; got a girl Kade?
K; not technically b-
W; cool wanna hang sometime?
C; he does have a girl just not officially.
M; so then its not considered cheating.
K; i really care about her though so im gonna have to pass. But hope you have a good rest of your night.

<instagram posts>


❤Likes Caption: we found a cart at the skatepark

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Caption: we found a cart at the skatepark.@Cace

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❤LikesCaption: the only picture from school mainly because we were there for like 30mins @emmiesbaby @Kade

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Caption: the only picture from school mainly because we were there for like 30mins @emmiesbaby @Kade

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