Flavor Text: Items of Elphyne II

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Screaming Chaos, False Queen Chlyonah

- Core containing the soul of the False Queen. This poor soul found herself thrust into a position she was unfit for. She longed for the just treatment of her people and through those ideas found herself raised in status. The nature of living souls is to become entrenched one's environment even to the point of corruption. Use to create something of worth and value. - Core of the Foolish Queen

+ Ring given to the False Queen ruler of the Vayntsyd tribe. This tribe of women were looked down upon by the royals, a sentiment passed down to the commons. Due to the prompting of her closest companion she took on the role of leader and eventually queen. This ring allows a portion of damage to by pass armor and defense. - Ring of Naivety

+ A modified variation if the Vayntsyd tribal sword. This sword was given to the Queen of the tribe and served as one of the symbols of her supposed rulership. Wherever this sword was pointed strife and the forceful annexation of lands followed. Ironically,s or rather tragically this sword became that which separated her head from her body. - Kaoynteagi Royal Blade.

+ Rusted and cracked Scepter of the false Queen. Over time the Queen expanded her domain; however, eventually her goals had crumbled in her hands. After everything had fell apart and her land and people were routed she felt a deep regret for failing them. She only had one wish before the end to she her friend once whom she was told was captured and killed. - Queen's Tarnished Scepter

+ Broken and bloodied crown of the false Queen. Under provocation of her people the false queen sought usurp power away from the royal family. This crown is both a symbol of determination and foolishness, and looking upon it elicits feelings of regret. The only thing this fake queen truly wished for was for her tribes pleas to be heard. Sadly they were never heard, yet even worse they were completely silenced. - Broken Dreamer's Crown.

+ Bloodstained and dirty clothes inlain with fools gold and polished iron worn by the false Queen. In the countryside of the kingdom clothes are more practical and simplistic in design. The design of these clothes reflect the conflated ideas these simple warriors had about the fashion of nobility and royalty. Even so they still serve a practical function as a warrior's garb. - Queen's Warrior Garment.


Calyaetolath, The Cedar King

- Core containing the soul of the corrupted and twisted guardian of the cedar forest. Calyaetolath in life was a wise and benevolent ruler. He protected all who dwelt within his domain. However, when the war between the fairies and the pixies escalated, he closed off his realm to protect his people, something with inadvertently cost him dearly. – Core of the Tainted Cedar.

+ Halberd born from the core of Spirit Cedar. Calyaetolath born of the cedar woods sealed off his home to prevent the forces of the fairies and pixies from clashing within. However, a dark corruption began to bubble up from beneath his domain ensuring that it would remain closed. – Tainted Tusk Halberd. (Weapon: spirit, polearm, halberd)

+ Armor forged from the core of the Cedar King. The ancient cedar that stood in the center of the forest became infected by an abyssal poison this infection took hold in the roots and tainting every inch of the tree. – Cedar King Set. (Armor: Medium)

+ Tome born from the core of the Spirit Cedar. The woods were the domain of the Cedar king and home domain was home to all lost and forgotten souls. It was his power that protected the forest and once he became corrupted so to was his power corrupted. – Tainted Cedar Grimoire. (Weapon: spirit, sacrament, tome)

+ Crossbow born from the core of the Cedar King. When the corruption that bubbled up from the earth consumed the ancient cedar tree and spread to the forest, the cedar king, and all who dwelt there became lost and deformed. Under the fairy kings order, the area was permanently sealed away and decreed forbidden. – Rotted Cedar Crossbow. (Weapon: dexterity, ranged, crossbow)



- Armor of Yllzythe, Captain of the Band of the Night Kobold. Yllzythe pledged himself and his men to the king's service. Yllzythe was given honors and rights of a Marquis. Yllzythe was given orders by the King and Carried them out dutifully. – Armor of Yllzythe (Armor: Heavy)

- Sword of Yllzythe, Marquis of Ferishers. Yllzythe had a dear friend and battle compatriot. After the curse, had befallen the land, Yllzythe attempted to save his friend but failed Miserably. – Yllzythe's Wave-Blade Sword. (Weapon: Long Sword)

- Poisonous dagger treasured by Yllzythe, Marquis of Ferishers. Yllzythe was the leader of the infamous bandit group, Nightshade. After the Fairy King and the Tuath De swiftly routed his group he became enraptured by the Kings indomitable will and dream, and thus upon this dagger he and his men swore eternal loyalty to the Fairy King. – Dagger of the Nightshade



- Ornate armor of Finvarra High-Lord of Vyrava Woods. The Lord of Finvarath created the Arena of Damned, and the Coliseum of the Lost to abate his fury, and frustrations. However, his rage would never subside and they would continue to rule his judgements. The arena and the coliseum still stand today, even though the lord met a tragic end. - Finvarra's Set (Armor: Heavy)

- Finvarra's great lance, used to impale those who lost disgracefully in his tournaments. Years of anger, loneliness, and jealousy turned the Lord bitter. He secluded himself within his territory in a deep forest. Rumors of the bloodthirsty tyrant and his deadly tournaments spread quickly around the kingdom. - Blood streaming Great Lance.

- Ring of Finvarra, Lord of Finvarath that increases maximum equipment burden, and defense. In the Lord's youth, he was enamored by women whose beauty could not be measured in years. When the Lord met the lady fairy who would be queen, the Lord fell in love at first sight. His desire for her grew as did his fetishes and mania. - Royal Ring of the Mother Forest. (Accessory: Ring)

- Cursed wand made of roses twisted together. Finvarra tried to win the affection of the fair Lady ultimately to no avail. His sweet words became curses and his love turned bitter. This gift meant as a gesture of love became a symbol of hate. [Skill – Rotted Nothings: This weapon temporarily applies a slow acting poison to the user. The HP drained by the poison becomes bonus damage when casting magic]. – Hate Mired Rose Wand

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