Flavor Text: Consumable Items

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- Spring water that has touched the roots of the world tree. This mysterious water has the unique property of restoring that which has been exhausted. This water soothes the spirit, calms the mind and heals that body. – Sacred spring water.

- A transparent material that sparkles in sunlight, this dust-like substance seeps into the cracked and torn pieces of equipment to restore its condition. In old lore it is said that the fae had powers over old, broken, and discarded things. – Mending Dust.

- A mysterious stone that fell from the heavens, the stone radiates with a faint mystic energy that affects the properties of objects that contain emotional energies. To seek evolution is the desire of all life and as if to answer our prayers this star fell from the heavens. It can used to improve Stats and mastered Artes. – Chrysalis Star.

- A pair of eyes that appear to have been forcibly removed. Upon death intense images are said to be burned into the retina; what could these eyes have seen that would cause a person to never want to see again. What could one do with such information? Insight and knowledge are only useful to those that can make use of it. Use to gain insight. - Bedlamites Oculi

- A vial of mysterious liquids that have a pungent odor. It causes monsters to gather around the source of the smell. Somehow the smell is oddly familiar is this the smell of battle? – Vial of sweet scents.

- A vial of mysterious liquids with a wonderful smell. It causes monsters to flee from the source of the smell. The scent is somehow oddly familiar, is this the smell of death? – Vial of Foul scents

- A universal tool for prying, stabbing, cutting, and of course throwing. The only thing you need to do is hit the mark. – Throwing Dagger

- An exceedingly rare crystal with a prismatic glow. This gem is said to revive the fallen. Within it is said to be the purest elements; earth to restore a broken vessel, flame to bring warmth, air to give breath, raindrops to circulate life, a spark to start the flow of life, light to call to the soul, and darkness to bind them together. Though other rumors suggest it was created for darker purposes. Use to revive those that have fallen. – Phoenix Crystal

- A device that alters the wavelength of light to change the color of an object. Used to alter ones personal appearance. – Chroma Cube.

- A spherical device that captures and mirrors the shape, texture, and feel of any piece of equipment. Used to alter ones personal appearance. - Glamour Sphere.

- Flask Set

     + A clear flask, one of a set of four. No one knows where they originate from. These flasks have been at the disposal of adventurers since time immemorable. These flasks have passed from adventurer to adventurer, and anyone knows of them knows they are priceless for what they offer. Restores health, stamina, and mana. – Diamond Cymatha Flask.

     + A blue flask, one of a set of four. These flasks are of an unknown material and origin; a mystery overlooked for favor of their usefulness. Be wary of what you ingest for what you take in becomes part of you in mind, body and soul. Restores large amounts of stamina and mana. – Sapphire Amsugnasai Flask.

     + A green flask, one of a set of four. All things are gained from learning and doing. After learning we must digest what we have absorbed to have true understanding. True wisdom is gained only be applying what you have learned to your very being. Restores health and cures negative status conditions. - Emerald Amsugnasai Flask.

     + A red flask, one of a set of four. All Things are connected and bound to the world particle. All we are is give and take; we pass on and inherit the dreams of the past. We become part of the world and the world part of us. Restores large amounts of health - Ruby Amsugnasai Flask.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2020 ⏰

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