Flavor Text: Armors

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- It is told that on the fifth day mortals were granted a soul. This soul brought clarity and with the fruit of the tree of knowledge we gained insight. – Robe of Ethereal Scholar.

- There are those who can never fade from this world. Are they cursed or blessed, for they wander the lands always? Their memories are sealed and scattered from themselves. - Crown of Immortality.

- A great wonder has appeared as bright as the sun and as glorious as the moon. – Circlet of twelve stars.

- A chest Piece forged and blessed by the smiths of the Church of Isa. Knights and soldiers wore this armor in hopes that it would help them survive the long journey and return home. Wounds are closed and heal as one goes on their way. – Mending Cuirass.

- Simple and armor made of hardened and tempered cloth, it doesnt protect much. Made for those who wish to remain light and nimble. – Cloth Armor.

- Armor made of the giant Wargr beast that is both powerful and proud. To have created this was not an easy kill. This armor instills fear and respect in toward those that wear this armor. – Fur armor of the Wargr.

- Move with a Purpose, break free of all Shackles and overcome all obstacles. – Greaves of the Free Runners.

- Forged from the remains of a spriggan warrior. This armor offers the blessings of nature in a time of need. – Chaos Spriggan Armor set

- One of the many armors of the dragon king made from his magnificent scales. You must be brave to ask of this from him. – Armor of Dragon king of the Eastern oceans.

- In a place, far to the north is a land where the winds never blow, we call this place the birthplace of the wind. – Four winds armor set.

- We were bound to the tree with false promises of understanding and lies of wisdom. – Helm of rose thorns.

- A blend of Eastern and Western wear used by a prestigious family of knights. They melded together the schools of the Chivalric code and the way of the warrior in perfect unison. Knights Kimono

     + The exploits of a specific family of knights have come to be known both far and wide. When one sees the crest of this family a degree of respect is required. – Haori Surcoat.

- Introversion and pessimism are not evil. They are a function of the mind and a way to protect ones self. In a world that believes in all-encompassing light these shadows must seem to be deep and unrelenting. - Cloak of the Midnight Hour.

- The beings of another world protect those that serve them. Are you one who would serve or slay? – Armor of the Eldritch Beasts?

- Knowledge is your sword, wisdom your shield. As you learn fact and truth, they will make you all the more effective. – Robes of the Scholar.

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