Flavor Text: Key Items

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- These devices were built in conjunction with the transposing crystals. The technology was developed by the Necrofewnic and was implemented across the world forming vast networks across every countries and nation, across every land. No one understand how it works; though there are rumors that the Necrofewnic found the technology rather than creating it. - Transposing Shard.

- Take a close look; reveal your enemys strengths and weaknesses. Use this knowledge to your advantage. – Scope Monocle.

- A bag used to hold money. Kae or Qiu is a crystalline gem with a hollowed center. Each are as hard as a diamond and far more valuable. These gems shine like the colors of the rainbow. If the emotions are the colors of the heart, then what does that mean for these gems made in a monsters body. – Currency Pouch.

- Crimson pearls born from red oysters after forty-nine days. These oysters that birth these pearls are found in a hidden spring in a far-off land to the south. Each pearl exhibits a unique energy that is linked to the land and to the world tree. The pearls seem pensive as if longing for something long lost. Used to increase Diamond Flask charges. - Pearls of Luster

- A tool used to mine materials. You never know what youll find out there so being prepared is invaluable. – Pickaxe

- Standard gear for adventures, explorers or anyone who has far to travel. Used for storing many items in a limited space. When technology for space and matter manipulation became reality, this device revolutionized the storage of goods. The one fault of this technology is that to store or withdraw anything requires an intermediary device. – AE-Pack

- The world holds many secrets, both terrible and great. Many treasures are abounding, however if you should become lost along the way then the entire effort becomes meaningless. – Map

- The mortal mind is a brilliant device capable of building wonders both great and small, wonderful and terrible. The mortal mind is capable of great ingenuity and creativity. It is a great travesty when it is all simply forgotten, carry this with you to prevent that. – Recipe book.

- A great warrior prepares his strategy amidst the field of battle, but a wise strategist prepares his tactics before the battle even begins. Study your enemies, learn of their strengths and weaknesses, and use them to further your cause. – Monster Book.

- Secret rite that uses insight to purify the waters of the root springs which increases their healing. There is a difference between understanding, knowledge, and wisdom. Understanding is the key to Knowledge and knowledge the key to wisdom; however, insight is the path even if its not well understood. This rite of uses innate understanding of matters immaterial with the four souls to purify the material. - Rite of Katharosia

+ A red colored shard from some unknown source. It is said that the soul is divided into four parts; the first soul is violent and must be pacified. – Ruby Shard

+ A Blue colored shard from some unknown source. It is said that the soul is divided into four parts; the second soul is in harmony with the spirit and nature. – Sapphire Shard

+ A Green colored shard from some unknown source. It is said that the soul is divided into four parts; the third soul is happy, blessed and prosperous. – Emerald Shard

+ A shard of a diamond like substance. It is said that the soul is divided into four parts; the fourth souls is capable of great works and miracles, some capable of transforming the spirit and the mortal coil. – Diamond Shard.

- Arte Books: These are given to Deciphers to create Artes.

+ Manuscripts that detail the artes of the Ninja. These artes were curiously written in cooperation by two warring clans whose blood feud has spanned numerous generations. When ones way of life is at risk of dying, they will do anything to preserve it. – Way of the Shadows: Shinobi Scripts.

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