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Aimee head was a mess and she didn't know what to do. She knew that she still loved max but she couldn't believe that she had actually had sex with Tom.

Aimee knew it was hard since they had lost their baby boy but she did love max and she wanted a way to move on and accept that they had lost their baby.

Aimee knew that she wanted to make her relationship with Max work but she knew that it was different. She knew that things were difficult with max and she didn't know if she and max could move past it.

Aimee didn't know if she could stay away from Tom, she knew that it wasn't just max involved but esme was also involved in it all. Aimee knew that her sister had been there for her since she lost her baby and she felt as if she was a bad sister for sleeping with Tom. Aimee knew that it was all a mess.


Aimee arrived at work and saw Esmè. She walked over to her. "Is everything okay?" She asked.

Esmè shook her head. "No. Lexie said she saw Tom kissing someone else. Why would he do that?"

Aimee frowned. She looked at her sister. "Did she say who?"

"Nope. But she had blonde hair. I'll kill him and then I'll kill her," Esmè said as she felt a tear slip down her cheeks. "Why would he cheat?"

"He's a jerk."


Aimee couldn't believe that Lexie had told Esmè about Tom kissing someone else. She saw Tom and pulled him into the room. "Lexie told Esmè about you kissing someone."


Aimee nodded. "Yeah. Lexie didn't say who it was though. You need to talk to Lexie."

"She's three. What am I supposed to say?"

"I don't know. Sort it Tom. Please."

Tom nodded and sighed. He kissed her quickly and smiled. "I will sort this babe. I promise."


Tom walked into the crèche. He saw Lexie sitting at the table colouring. "Hello princess."

"Hello daddy."

Tom sat down and smiled. "Why did you tell mummy I kissed someone?" He asked.

Lexie started crying. "Me told my dolly and mummy heard me. Me no tell mummy."

Tom nodded and sighed. He knew that something was bothering Lexie. He smiled. "Daddy isn't mad at you darling. He just thought me and you and had a secret with each other," he said.


Aimee walked into the office and sighed when she saw Max. "I think we need to talk."


"Our relationship. It still means something to me. I'm hoping it does to you. I love you Max and I don't want to ruin us," Aimee said.

Max walked over to her and sighed. "I still love you too. But too much has happened. We need to start over."

Aimee nodded. She wrapped her arms around him and hugged him. "Maybe we could away this weekend? Just us?" She asked.

Max smiled slightly. He had planned to take Esmè away. But he wouldn't tell Aimee that. "I said I'd go and spend the weekend with my mother. She's feeling down."

"Oh. Okay. Maybe next weekend?" She asked.

Max nodded. He knew he was in the wrong for sleeping with Aimee's sister. But the spark had gone.

Little did Aimee and Max know that everything was going to come crashing down. And it all started with a secret.

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