Chapter 14 - Flammable

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Sam’s POV

Technically neither Mc nor I are supposed to be trusted with matches, but neither of us are really known for our obedience. I grab my jacket as Mc and I check over all the supplies. “Graham crackers?” I ask

“Check.” Mc replies

“Fudge-dipped crackers?”

“Check” If you’ve never had a s’more, I feel terrible for you, if you’ve never had a s’more with fudge dipped cookies instead of gram crackers, I still feel pretty bad for you.





“Metal roasting sticks?”

“Check.” That’s right, we’re professionals, no regular old sticks here :p.

“Trash?” For burning the trash, you can imagine the trash would be a big part of the operation.






“Pop cans?”


“aaaaand matches?”

“2 whole boxes full”

“Awesome” They say you shouldn’t play with fire. Therefore, I call it experimenting with fire.

                The boys, who have been watching Mc and I gather supplies, each grab a trash bag and Mc and I grab the rest of the stuff.  We instruct the boys to drop the bags of trash on top of a pile of ashes where we always burn the trash. I set down my armload of stuff next to Mc’s and sit down. I pat the ground beside me and say ‘Come sit, Sammy and Mc are gonna teach you how to make a paper bomb”  Mc plinks down to my left and the boys cautiously sit down in a circle. I pass around newspaper and Mc instuctes them to take 2 sheets. Once everyone has paper I tell them to crinkle it. They do and look at us expectantly. Mc and I crinkle our paper and I hand a bottle of hairspray to Louis, the person to my right. Neither Mc nor I ever actually USE hairspray (Except on special occasions every once and a while), but hairspray is HIGHLY flammable and therefore, very useful.  I grab the second bottle of hair spray and spray my own paper lightly.

“Spray your paper, LIGHTLY with hairspray, don’t let it get too wet” I instruct, the boys and Mc do just that.

“Now,” Mc says, “Comes the fun part.” I walked up to the pile of trash, found a space in between two bags and tucked my bomb in, Mc and the boys followed suit, then we all took matches and stood by our bombs, we all lit the matches;

"THREE, TWO, ONE" We all yell and lite the bombs

"JUMP BACK!" Mc yells, and we do as the pile ignites into 10 feet high flames.

"Whoa" Louis whispers, Niall hides behind me, grabbing me. I chuckle and accidentally back up, Niall trips and falls, me landing on top of him

"This probably looks really wrong." Niall whispers into my ear.

"Indeed" I say, bluntly. He lets go of me and I stand up, brushing myself off. I walk up to the pile of stuff and spray a bit of paper before stuffing it into a pop can. I light a match and throw it into the can. I hold the can as sparks fly out of the opening. The boys stare at me, frightened. I smiled and threw the can into the fire, it gave a small popping noise and a small explosion. After we'd all done the pop can trick. I offered to go get some logs to sit on;

“I’ll come with!” Niall volunteers

“Coolio” I say, “this way!” I lead him over to the grove in between the some of the fields and the back of the working property. Well I shouldn’t call it working, the cats and occasionally Rebel are the only animals living here now (if you don’t count a few hundred mice and rats and all the insects) Mc’s grandfather’s property line ends at the creek(which Mc’s family and I call the crick). I lead Niall over the lowest part in the barbed wire fence and over to an old rusted coral that one once used for horses, an upturned basin that was once used for the horses’ water, was rusting away with the coral. I climbed the side and Niall followed me, stumbling a little. ” I usually find the best logs here.” I explain to Niall. We deide on each taking one half on the coral to look in.

“How ‘bout this one?” he asks, I run over to him,

“Looks fine to me” we heft the log on our shoulders and carry it back to where the others are waiting. I set it near the fire and we all sit down


1 bag of marshmallows, 89% of which were burnt, and 2 hours later, we all still sat in front of the fire, laughing our heads off. The trash was slowly dissapearing along with the sun. "Mc?" I ask from inbetween Niall and Liam "Can you go grab wood?"


"I'll come with" Zayn volenteers, looking a bit nervous. Lou and I exchange a quick look around Liam.

"He's soooo gonna ask her out" I mouth to over Liam to Louis. Louis laughs at my irly-girl hand gestures and my batting of eyelashes that HAVE to accompany that sentence.

"Do you have Sam Cams in the grove?" Nialler asks me. Yes I've given up on the whole 'Don't-call-him Nialler-in-your-head' thingy. I've decided it's not worth the thought and that's he's just too adorable.

"No" I say, sadly, "WAIT never mind, I do have one that I set up the day before you guys came for testing. It's desgiused as an owl" I add proudly

"Can it fly?!" Louis asks me, excititly.

"Yes, now let's see here....." I trail off as I open the app and find the camera. I instruct it track Mc, and then fly to a tree about 6 yards away.

Theres a weird flapping noise and the camera shifts weirdly "What the f*uck is it doing?" Niall whispers to me

"It's flying" I hiss back, "Now shut up, it projects sound" Just then the fake owl must've landed. I press buttons to making it turn it's head and zoom in so we can see them.  They're just leaning in THIS close to kissing *holds index finger and thumb an inch apart* but then Louis gives a little fangirl scream. They both back away, blushing.

"Don't mind us!" I shout.

"Sam! Where-oh" Mc says, spotting my owl.

"Did you ask her out yet?" Harry asks, excitedly. Mc blushes deeper.

"Geez no pressure or anything" Zayn says. blushing as well.

 "We'll just go away for a few seconds" i say, and shut the owl down. Lou gives me a 'what the hell man?' look and I turn the owl back on. I hold a finger to my lips, a signal telling them that they better be SILENT. 

"So, Mc will out with me?" Zayn asks, nervously. Poor kid, we really did make it harder on him. Luckily, Mc doesn't seem to mind 

"Yes!" She says with a hint of a squeal and hugs him, which turns into them kissing. Which, of course, leads to my and the other boys cheering. The pull apart 

"YOU GUYS!" They yell in unison before looking at each other and laughing with the rest of us.

A/N: Crappy, I know. But oh well, hapy ending right?! More on Mayn soon. Sorry this chapter is later then I was expecting... I had family in town and had to work on SL with Lucy(and their's a whole bunch of other excuses that I can think of if you give me a few seconds). Also this chapter is dedicated to @shianneslade for getting the question right! Whoo! So I like the whole question thing so here's this week's questions, for the rules, click here:   and here's the question:

What did All Nippon Airways do in an effort to prevent its planes from sucking birds into their engines?

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