Chapter 4- Lake Monsters

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Louis’ POV

                Jack was tall, really tall, with short blonde hair and brown eyes. “Hey” he says to Sam “you’re not going to believe what I did for you” Sam looks interested “I put up your favorite Irish football flag and bought you pepperoni” her eyes lit up and she ran to the window, and then to the fridge, after closing the fridge, she ran into Jack’s arms. Why do I feel jealous?? Stop Louis, stop!!!

“You did!!!!” she squeals as he pats her on the back, and then she stiffens with realization “Wait a minute, you did this ‘cause you want me to make pizza and shakes, huh?” She accuses. Niall and Jack’s eyes light up.

“Plllleeeaase!!!” Jack pleads

“fine” Sam grumbles

“I love you” Jack adds, like it’ll help the situation.

“You only love me when I make you food” she said moving out of his arms. Ouch, but somewhat true. “So Jack, meet the gang, you know Mc…”

“Hey” Mc says


“and this is Louis, Harry, Liam, Niall, and Zayn” she introduces, pointing to each of us as she says our names. We all wave and exchange a few ‘hey s’ and ‘nice to meet you s’ “This is Jack, my cousin” Cousins, why do I feel like I should’ve figured that out?? Sam told us to eat sandwiches and get dressed and meet her and Mc in the water. They ate with us and then dashed off to get dressed. When we had gotten our trunks on, we walked out on the dock, but we didn’t see the girls, so we slipped into the water, well all of us except Zayn, who just hung his feet in, and waited.

3rd Person POV

                Harry was the first to feel anything. A hand brushed up against his thigh and then started tickling his stomach. He laughed and the tickling increased, he laughed harder. “Okay..boys!!...stop!!” the rest of the guys, who were staring at him weirdly, put their hands in the air, but the tickling didn’t stop. Harry reaches underwater to grab the hand and the hands are gone just as quickly as they came. Underwater, Mc gives Sam a thumbs up and Sam takes one last breath and dives under, towards Niall while Mc, goes back under the boat to catch her breath before heading towards Liam. Liam feels hands on his sides, attacking him with tickles while feet anchor themselves, wrapping around his ankles. He bends over, laughing and his hand connects with one of the hands tickling him and the feet and hands are gone. The other guys stare on him. Niall whimpers

“Liam…I feel it” The turn to Niall to see green fingers with long, chipped purple nails weaving themselves though Niall’s dyed-blond hair.

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” we all scream, moving away from him. Sam lets out an evil laugh from right behind Niall, tightening her grip on his hair, her plastic fingers threatening to fall off. Niall screams.

“Don’t be scared, love” Sam says in crackly British voice. Mc grins underwater at Sam, telling her she’s doing a great job. Sam lets her fingers slip out of his hair and with one last wail “Don’t leave me!!!!!!” she disappears underwater. She gives Mc double-thumbs up, in their hideout under the boat. Mc swims up to Zayn and wraps her hands around his ankles.

“Uh… guys let go of my feet” Zayn says uncertainly. all the guys put their hands in the air, again but the hands don’t let go.

“I-I-It’s the m-m-monster” Niall stutters, grabbing onto Liam. Sam grabs Louis’ ankles, the only one wh ohasn’t moved close enough to the dock.

“I’m sure it’s nothing” Liam says, but the guys shot him a look that clearly says ‘yeah totally…. not.”

  “Th-h-h-e-e lake i-is haunted” Niall whimpers, now in Liam’s arms.

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