Chapter 10- How 'bout not?

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Mc’s POV

“How ‘bout Truth or Dare?” Louis asks. Sam and share a look and both say


“Please??!!!” Louis begs.


“Boys?” He asks, turning to face the boys. I shake my head, my eyes wide, begging the boys to say no.

“Sounds fun to me” Harry says, smirking at my head shaking. Beside me, Sam face palms, her face reddening, I haven’t seen her blush this much since….

“I don’t know Lou,” Liam says “the girls are letting us stay here, and If they don’t wanna play, we shouldn’t make them”

“Thank you!” Sam says

“Glad to know somebody has some sense here!” I add, earning both of us grins from Liam, and scowls from the rest of the guys.

“I’m sensible!!” Louis protests, I laugh. Sam looks at him with raised eyebrows and says

“Really I didn’t know”

Somehow, the boys convinced us to play and we sat in a circle, like they do in those stupid cliché movies. As you’ve probably guessed, truth or dare IS. NOT. one of our favorite games, but we managed to make it enjoyable.  So far at least. We’re only on our second person. We’d made Liam lick nutella off a spoon until we could see our reflections in the spoon, which, Louis had inspected at least 5 times and returned it to Liam’s mouth proclaiming that he’d missed a spot. It was now Harry’s turn, and he’d chosen truth so, just out of curiosity, we asked how may girls he’s kissed. He’s kept track, he pulled out his iPhone, kissed me on the check and then said “Now, 231”

“We meant on the lips, Harry” Louis says in a girly voice.

“Ohh” Harry says, I snicker. “Well then..” He glances back at his phone “18 and a half”

“What do you mean by a half?” Niall asks, his tone worried, as he stuffs more of the sandwich Sam had made him into his mouth.

“You really don’t want to know” Harry says.

“Ohhh but I think I do” Zayn says, smirking, we share a sideways glance and I can’t help but smirk back.

“No. End of conversation”

“Fine” we all sigh, but Louis frowns,

“Puh-wess Hazza!!?” He begs, giving him the puppy dog eyes.

“No, boo” Louis pouts for a second, but when Harry doesn’t give in he turns around.

“Oh well, I tried, Okay, You’re turn now Sam!” So that’s why he wasn’t even going to try, he was just waiting for it to be Sam’s turn. His eyes glinted mischievously and his mouth was quirked into a mischievous smirk. Sam gives me a look begging me to help her. I give her a sympathetic smile.

‘Sorry!’ I mouth back.

“So, truth or dare?” Louis asks in his girly voice. We all lean a bit closer and Sam face-palms.

“I-“ She’s cut off by our work phone ringing. She gives a sigh of relief and says “Saved by the bell” She runs to the table where she’d left the old crappy phone that she and I used for work calls. She looks at the caller I.D. and smiles, mouthing ‘It’s Simon!’ to me, I grin.

“Hello, this is Sam and Mc, your personal 1D stalkers, what can I do for you?” She asks in a cheery, all business voice. I stifle back a laugh and the boys are giving us weird looks, which makes me want to laugh harder. I laugh A LOT, and don’t have a ton of control over not laughing. I let it bubble out, practically rolling on the floor with laughter. Because of all this laughing, I miss the next little bit of the conversation.

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