Chapter 9- Little Things

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(Still Sam’s POV)

My face is right in his face. His eyes flutter open sheepishly. 'Ww-ha?" Then his eyes snap open "SAM!"

"Hi" I say in a 'duh' tone. He tenses, I raise my eyebrows, and he chuckles and relaxes, unwrapping the tight grip he'd had on my waist. I stand up, stretching, and climb down three rungs on the ladder, my 5' 10.2" (And yes, the .2 matters, ‘cause it makes me .2 taller them Mc) body still mostly over above 20 feet. 'You a'commin?" I ask. Louis smirks at my shirt, again, and takes my outstretched hand, following me down the ladder and towards the house. Lyrics pop into my head; they tend to do that a lot, sometimes already written lyrics that remind me of my situation and sometimes lyrics I write about the situation. In this case, they're 'used' lyrics: You like my shirt like I like it when you hold my hand. I've never been a country fan, but I've always loved The Band Perry's songs, I love the lyrics! What can I say, I'm a word nerd. I hummed along, and dropped Louis' hand. I pulled my hair into a ponytail, then made it look messy, like I slept with it like that, but not messy enough to make it look like....well, you know..."What are you doing?" Louis asks, a confizzled look on his face, I give him the 'duh' look back and say, "Making myself a mask" he gives me an even more confizzled look. I grab his wrist and then get to work on his air. When you have to wear a disguise as often as I do, you get good at doing these things quick. "Messy like you slept, not messy enough to look slept with" I say. Louis look of confizzle-ment vanishes and he nods,

"I see" He says.

"Prepare yourself for the teasing of a life time" I whisper as we reach the door. I slowly crack it open to find every one gathered over a sobbing Mc. I sigh, half relieved half annoyed. I can see the iPod touch in Mc's hand and know exactly why she’s crying, but I'm relieved they'll be too caught up in her to notice much of us. I walked over to mc and pushed the boys aside mumbling "2nd time this week" I knelt beside her and said, "Unless Zayn deleted his twitter or something(A/N: this takes place BEFORE the Zayn/twitter incident), you finally read Fading Behind Secrets (A/N: A great boyxboy fanfic, that 4 sure gonna make you cry), or you did it a second time….you did, didn't you" She managed to nod. "Good God gurl Here let me see him" She hands me the iPod. I pull up to app and click around, slowly breaking into a smile "Soooo,” say "Niall's still upset, but.....OHHHH!! Mc guess what!!!!!!!!" Mc slowly raises her eyes from the floor

'What?" She grumbles

"Well, either Harry forgives REALLY easily, which considering Niall's current sate I doubt, or you actually clicked level up, now take this quick before I spill food all over him again" Her face literally brightens and she says

"Thanks Sam!!!!" as she snatches her iPod Touch from me. I shrug

"No biggie" The boys are all wearing completely confizzled looks. I give them one right back and ask "Have you never heard of the Date 1D App?" they break out laughing. Mc glares at me. "What?" ask.

"Grr" she says

"On no you didn't" I say "The grr is mine" I sing to the tune of 'The Boy is Mine' by Brandy and Monica, but I just knew it from glee. The boys laugh harder. I smile "Mc accidentally dumped Niall about a week ago, she meant to click 'level up' but clicked 'break up' instead, she was devastated and so was the virtual version of Nialler" I say shrugging, "but now she's dating his best friend so is all good" I add in a mocking tone and the boys laugh harder. I can't help but notice that Zayn looks a little upset and that...jealousy. I can't help but smirk "Hey Mc, I think Zayn likes you" I say in our language.

'Sammy, stop messing with me he does not" she says in a dismissive tone and in regular english

"Does too"

Crap!They're real! (A One Direction Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now