Chapter 16 - Jackets & Piggy-Back Rides

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Louis' POV(I know, it's been a while)

I sit next to Sam, shivering. The fire has gone done greatly, but Sam's done her best to keep it up to as she says 'warm enough' yeah well SHE has a jacket. She looks over at me, sees me shivering and laughs

"Song Deja-vou," She says before rapping "I don't open the door, or pull out a chair and you can tell me how your day was but I don't really care, and if you ever get cold, you'll just have to hack it 'cause I'd be cold too if I gave you my jacket. Like whoa! You ain't sittin' up front! Front is for my homies, you can sit in the trunk. I never answer my phone whenever you call it and when the waiter brings the bill I never reach for my wallet." While rapping she makes the 'typical rapper hand gestures' and such. We all laugh, but Mc laughs the hardest. I'm noticing that mc laughs A LOT and OFTEN and for a LONG time.

"What is that from?" She asks when she's calmed down

"Nice guys finish last, that's why I'll treat you like trash, it's not what I really wanna do, but you only date bad guys, so I'll give it my best try to treat you the way you want me to" I notice her voice getting louder and closer, but I don't really figure it out until I realize that I feel a bit warmer and then I realize that Sam's jacket is draped over my shoulders.

"Oh" I say lamely. Sam laughs "Thanks Sammy, but you can keep -"

"No." She cuts me off, "Wear the jacket"

"But-" I try

"Nope" She pops the 'p'

"Ya' know the guy typically gives the girl HIS jacket" Niall adds, I scowl at him. Sam laughs.

"In case you haven't noticed, I'm not 'typical'" She says, putting air quotes around the word typical.

"We have" Harry agrees. I shrug the jacket off my shoulders, and find it back on them in a few seconds.

"Sammmmm" I whine

"Louuuuuu" She mimics, walking back to her spot. She sits down and I watch her. She doesn't shiver, she doesn't move closer to the fire, she seems absolutely FINE in the cold. She meets my gaze and raises and eyebrow.

"Why aren't you cold?" I ask, childishly

"Because I'm amazing" She says, shrugging. I glare at her,

"Oh yeah?"

"UmmmHmm" She says "You gonna challenge that?" She asks, challenging me to challenge her. Challenge me too challenge- yeah I think that's what I mean.... yeah.

"Nah, I'd would, but my time is too valuable for that"

"You'll be too busy working a jackhammer?" Mc asks and Sam laughs.

"Huh?" I ask. I really don't understand them sometimes.

'It's from a Rhett & Link song" They say at the same time

"Epic Rap Battle of Manliness" Sam adds. I nod, making a mental note to look it up. Sam turns her attention back to the fire, gazing into its flames, a small grin on her face. "I love fire" She says as though this is as normal as saying 'I love puppies' I give her a strange look and Mc says

"That's enough John" Sam laughs

"John Wayne Gacy Or John Wayne Cleaver? 'Cause Gacy didn't like fire" Sam asks

"Cleaver" Mc says

"He's awesome"

"He's creepy"

"John Wayne Cleaver...I love that book, too. Geneva, you know @FanFictonalGirl? Yeah she recommended it to me"

"It's an interesting book..."

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