13. How to become heda

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Octavia and lexa where walking slowly with their horses.
"So how was it Lex! You have to tell me everything!!"
"Well, it was actually horrible."
"Well no, I mean like uhh.." she couldn't find the right words. "It was not what I expected and Clark well she acted so rude and cold." She said with a sad tone.
"Ohnoo lexa, well u better show her how awesome u are here and she will definitely adore u since u are amazing Lex."
"Ahaha thanks tavie, we will see. I hope she will become nicer since I really want to befriend her."

The girls were only 300 meters forward as they heared Clarke catch them up. On a horse.
"Good choice clark."  Lexa said to the blonde while smiling a bit, happy that Clarke came eventually.
"Oh shut up lexa, tell me what kind of weird joke this is?" Clarke said pissed off by the fact that she was sitting on a horse in the freaking damn woods.
"Well clarke, Sorry this isn't a joke. But this is real, this is my life." Lexa told her
"Yesss best life ever!" Octavia shouted while laughing.
"How can this be the best life ever?"
"It just is darling." Octavia said.
"Waa what a joke, i think im heading home today already."
Lexa interrupted them
"Well Clarke, how do you want to get home? Swimming across the ocean?"
Clarke rolled her eyes.

"Lex u should tell her more about us!" Octavia tried to start a new conversation.
Clarke was actually really interested in the girls, "yea." She said.
" Oh yes ofcourse! I will tell you about me. Umm let's see. Oh, I told you that our leader, we call it a Heda, is chosen a lot different than yours huh.
Well, we have some special people in our clan. People with special blood, black blood. We call them natblida. Our heda is a natblida, and every one of our leaders will be a natblida, that's our law.
And when the heda dies, there is a group of natblidas who are going to follow the heda. Now there is a group of 5. They will participate in a conclave, that's a fight in an arena where we have to kill each other till 1 remains. That is the winner and she or he will be the new heda. Then the heda will have an ceremony and will read all the names of the former hedas. To prove that the heda is an official heda and natblida."
The brunette spoke and explained towards the blond while they continued their trip toward polis.
"Only there are some changes now, since the former heda, Sheidheda, well let's say was a dark person towards everyone, but mostly techkru. So now the natblida will have to make alliances and friends in the techkru world before participating in the conclave. And sheid heda died 1 week ago, so tonight we have the start of the conclave."
"Your people are totally nuts lexa". Clarke responded.
"Thank you." Octavia said.
"Are we going to watch that blood show?" Clarke asked.
"Yes you will watch it." Lexa anwsered.
"You? What are you going to do then."
"You will see later Clarke." Lexa stopped their conversation as they entered polis.
"We are home lex" Octavia said happily.
"I'm happy to be here." Lexa smiled. "Clarke, welcome in Polis. Our capital. I live here."
Clarke looked around her and was really impressed by the looks of the old city. But it also reminded her of some kind of ruens.

"Lincoln and bell are waiting at the marketplace. Let's head towards them." Octavia told.
The tree girls got of their horses and walked troug polis, lexa and octavia where in front. Clarke followed close behind them.
"Are Aden and Indra there too?" Lexa asked to her bestfriend
"No, Indra said that would get some clothes for the techkru girl first she said. But I'm sure she will come as soon as she can. Aiden is with his techkru second in the main hall of the natblida tower, but as u know I can't visit it so I'm not sure." Tavie answered towards lexa.
"Who are the people you all mentioned?" Clarke interrupts them.
"Lincoln is tavies boyfriend. Bellamy is her brother." Lexa explained. "Indra is my mentor, and Aiden..." the brunette sighed.
"My brother. Now hurry because I want to have some time with him before I am ordered to go kill him."
With that lexa ran away towards the natblida tower looking for aiden, wich Octavia completely understood. So she took Clarke with her. Lexa would see them later anyway.

"Wait," Clarke said. "She has to kill her brother? He was in a natblida tower?"
Here face met octavias and when she saw here eyes she knew that what she was thinking was right. Lexa was a natblida too, and soon she would be in a fight.
"Is lexa—" clarke started.
"Yes, she is. But she's the best warrior of them all, she will win." The warrior girl next to clarke said.
Clark somehow felt really worried about lexa, and felt a bit bad about her behavior towards the girl.
But before she could say anything, octavia took Clarke with her and led her towards Lincoln and Bellamy.

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