Dear Peeta (17)

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Dear Peeta,

Today is Thursday. This used to be my favourite day because this was the day my dad took me to his work. Well, his plane. He was a pilot. When I say 'was', I mean that he is no longer alive. It was a hard thing to overcome-storms, lightning and just a touch of wind. The plane crashed and he went down with it. You know what's really sad? The day he died was Thursday. And he didn't let me come with him to work that day because I had a test at school. So, I watched on television as a reporter told everyone the story of the plane crash, then she started reading the names of the unlucky passengers. When it got to the pilot's names and my father's name was heart stopped. And it hasn't started again ever since. My mother never got her's fixed. She cried for days-years, when she found out. In the end, it became repetitive, I had to comfort her when I was having a bad day. I had to feel the pain over and over because she couldn't get over it.

My tears are sliding down the page, so I suppose I should stop writing now. All I have to say is, Peeta, life is something we have to go through. Don't let the bad days, like Thursday, stop you.

From Katniss

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