2. The Normal Hard Life

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"I expect you to do things well! This is a small restaurant, any wrongdoing can make it go down, can't you understand, or are you stupid?!" a young man yelled banging his fists on the table.

And beside him was a young lady with her face down, "I'm sorry sir, I'll be careful."

"Well, be more careful and do things well for goodness sake," the young man slammed the napkin on the table and walked away cursing.

"I'm sorry sir," she muttered letting a low tired hiss.

A ring made her jump up, she quickly brought out her phone and silenced it, she glanced at her boss to see if he had seen her and when she could not find him, she let out a hiss and answered the call.

"Hey, you have a job by four, be fast, and don't be late." She opened her mouth to reply but the caller already cut the call, she huffed, "I don't know if I'll make it by four." She groaned realizing that she will be scolded again for either coming late or leaving the restaurant too early.


She rushed out of the restaurant, "I'm SORRY!!"

"Hey! come back here!!"

People stared at her weirdly, she was running and she was the only one running in the street, 'yeah, stare at me because all I care is that I'm late.'

She stopped at the bus stop and luckily for her, the bus was just coming. "Thank God, I didn't miss it," she muttered. She entered the bus as soon as it stopped.


The young lady walked out of the bus and then pushed her bangs back from her face, she was pretty with bright blue eyes and short brown her that stopped on her upper back. She stopped then let out a huff and stared at the long hotel, "okay, I'm here," the young lady searched through her handbag.

A hand grabbed her by her shoulder making her move back letting a scream and somehow she threw a fist but the person managed to hold her fist before it reached its face. "Wow, girl calm down."

She was face to face with her friend, Chaz Marlein- a young handsome man with blue bright eyes and brown hair.

She smiled a little flushed with embarrassment, "oh my God. Chaz, I'm sorry. it's reflex."

The young man, Chaz smiled looking down at her, "it's fine. So, what are you doing here?"

She shook her head a bit, "nothing really, I have to meet someone here. What about you?"

He chuckled, "same. I'm here to see someone too."

The young lady laughed then stared at her watch, "okay, later. I'm kinda late. Bye," she waved at him with a smile and then ran away.

Chaz smiled with a blush on his face, he ran his hand through his hair then chuckled, "she is so cute."


The young lady walked into the room silently, she dropped her bag on the couch then pulled a seat on the bed quietly then sat down slowly. She stared at the old-aged woman lying down on the bed with her eyes closed then held her hand.

"Hey, mom." She cleared her throat then turned her face away with tears in her eyes, "today was stressful but like you, I handled it well. I'm studying hard to become a Journalist, your dream mum." she smiled and wiped off the tears that dropped on her cheeks.

"Everything is good," she muttered smiling then she looked away. The smile started falling off so as the tears. She could hold it any longer, she burst into tears and turned to her mum lying down on the sickbed.

"Mum, please come back. wake up, please I need you. This life is hard. It's so hard. I'm working my head off for your surgery money and also my education fee. I can even give up journalism to see you wake up. Mum, wake up please, I'm here now." She rested her head on her mum's tummy sobbing nonstop.


"Okay, I'll check into it, Miss Rayden."

"Okay, thank you, sir. Goodbye, have a good night," the young lady put down the cell phone from her ear and stared at it, her lecturer had already cut the call, "so I was talking to myself," she muttered letting out a huff walking into a gate.

A grunt made her look up, she rolled her eyes as she saw the old fat lady sitting down and glaring at her, "good evening Ma Sadie."

The old fat lady stared at her and then turned away. "Well, ok," she said and shook her head.

She walked inside the mansion and to the stairs. The wall colors had already faded, the iron rays of the stairs are already rusted, and it looked old because its an ancient mansion used as a hostel for her college. She stayed there because it was cheaper.

"It was so cool!" a girl yelled and the two of her friends shrieked and started jumping, they stopped when they saw her, they eyed her and turned back to themselves. The young lady shook her head quietly and walked to the third floor which was the last floor.

She ignored the open rooms with girls yelling and talking and walked to a door, she stopped and search through her bag. She smiled and brought out a key, inserted it then opened the door. She walked in and closed it behind her then stared at two girls like her, the first one was lying down on the floor with her phone in her hands and popcorn surrounded her. And the second one was sitting on the couch watching a movie and her foot was on the first one's back.

"Seriously." she paused, "seriously? when I left, I'm sure this room was spotlessly clean. And now this?" she asked removing the flat black shoes she wore.

The first one dropped her phone and stared at her with a smile, "this is us."

The second girl dropped the remote that she was holding and turned to her with a smirk, "don't be a f#@king germaphobe."

"Language Betsy," she said pointing at the second girl.

Betsy smirked, "English."

"Did you hear that Eric is in California right now, as in our California! The news said he arrived yesterday evening at 6:45 PM. I'm so excited," the first girl said waving her phone in the air.

She shook her head at the first girl, "Amie, they don't even know you and you are killing yourself on them."

Amie, the first girl let out a groan, "whatever."

Betsy suddenly yelled, "did you see what he wore? it was good! the black and white with his new hair color," Amie nodded to her with widened eyes. The young lady let out a hiss and walked into her room.

She closed the door and collapsed on her bed letting a huff, "so stressful." She took her phone from her bag and stared at her account balance, '$15,320' she signed then sat up, 'you can do it. Macy, you can do it.'

"Macy," Amie, the blondie peeped looking at her.

The young lady, Macy looked up from her pathetic account balance to Amie, "yeah?"

Amie walked in fully staring at her, "we are going to the store. Do you want to come with us or want something that we should get for you?"

Macy smiled at her then shook her head, "Nah I'm good. Thank you, Amie."

Amie nodded at her then waved to her, "well, enjoy. You can lock the door, we are carrying our keys. Bye!" she rushed away closing Macy's door.

Macy let out a tired hiss then flopped back on her bed, "I'm tired," her voice was muffled as her face was pressed into the pillow, "I can do it. I will do it for you mum."


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