-07- 🌙 Surprise, Surprise

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"Well I thought I could never be surprised, but could it be that I bit my own tongue. Oh yeah, it's so hard to swallow when you're wrong."
~John Lennon, 'Surprise, Surprise'


*Can's POV*

The last bell rings, and I run as fast as I can out the door. I've been avoiding Tin like the plague ever since that day in the locker room. Which means I've been having to jog home every day, but it's preferable to being subjected to spending any amount of time in Tin's car.

As soon as I'm off school grounds, I breathe a sigh of relief. It's Friday, so I'm free for the weekend!

I skip down the sidewalk, deciding to take a detour through town. It's not often that I got to roam around without someone accompanying me, so I'm basking in my temporary freedom. Because once Tin inevitably snitches that I've been finding my own way home, I don't doubt that my dads will find a different way to force us together.

Seriously, I wish they would give up on their quest to make me and Tin friends again. We're going to hate each other forever. And I'm fine with that!

In fact, I'd be fine if I never saw him again! That stupid son of a—

The smell of food wafts into my nostrils, distracting me from my inner monologue. Mouth already watering, I float over to the food cart selling street tacos.

My stomach grumbles from the delicious scent. Damn, I'm fucking hungry.

Before I can order, a depressing reminder sits on my brain, deflating my happiness. Reaching into my pockets, I feel around to confirm my worst nightmare.

Yup. I don't have any money.

I groan, stomping my foot on the ground. This is the worst thing that has ever happened in the history of the universe. If I don't get food soon, I'll probably die!

Right as I'm getting ready to write my will, I spot a familiar face in the crowd of people walking along the sidewalks. My spirits are lifted as I excitedly jump up and down.

"Techno!" I scream, waving at Pond's dad. He turns his head in the direction of my voice, and flinches. Techno ducks his head and tries to hide behind a street sign, but I shout out, "Too late! I already saw you!"

Techno curses under his breath before making his way over to me. I grin smugly, bouncing on my heels.

"Can't I go one week without you tracking me down?" Techno sighs tiredly.

"I didn't track you down," I roll my eyes. "We just happened to be in the same place!"

"Yeah, yeah. What do you want today?"

I point at the taco stand. "Those tacos smell really good, but I'm out of money."

Techno grumbles, pulling out his wallet. "You always seem to find me whenever you want food. I swear, this is my bad karma for making Tharn buy me food when we were younger."

"Then papa would be proud of me!" I announce decidedly. Techno mutters something under his breath as he hands some cash to the vendor in exchange for five tacos. He holds three of them out to me, but I end up taking four.

"I don't know how your dad hasn't gone insane yet, living with you and Tharn."

"That's because dad loves us," I grin, shoving a taco in my mouth. "Even when we act like little shits."

"Don't talk with your mouth full, you pig person," Techno scolds, making me laugh so hard that I end up choking on my taco. "I need to get going before my wife loses her shit. See you tomorrow, kid."

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