-13- 🌙 The Heat Between Your Legs

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[A/N - POV changes partway through]

"We don't ever have to fight, just take it step-by-step. I can see it in your eyes, 'cause they never tell me lies. I can feel that body shake, and the heat between your legs."
~The Weeknd, 'I Feel It Coming'


*Tin's POV*

My body is wracked with shudders as I try to suppress the urges rising up in my chest. Incredibly lewd urges that involve pinning a certain young Alpha beneath me and showing him exactly how he makes me feel.

Annoyed. Needy. Resentful. Wanting. Frustrated.

So much frustration.

Goddess, I want to bury all that frustration deep inside of him.

The thought stuns me. What is wrong with me? How could I be having these thoughts about Can, of all people? I've never really had sexual urges towards anyone before, and now I'm having them towards Can. I must be losing my mind.

My room is in tatters; the intensity of the heat causing my magic to spin out of control. My parents have tried coming to my room several times to check on me, but I've used what little focus I have to keep the door magically locked.

As another heat wave begins to dissipate, my body slumps down to my bed in exhaustion. I can try to use magic to lessen the heat, but it's incredibly draining. My eyes flutter shut as my guard drops, and I drift to sleep.


"Careful!" A voice hisses as I'm jostled around. "Team, you're going to wake him up!"

"You're the only one being loud, Champ," my father retorts. Groaning, I force my heavy eyelids open and take in my surroundings. "Shit, he's up."

"What...?" My thoughts are groggy as I look around. My father is carrying me bridal-style while my dad walks next to us. Furrowing my brows, I stiffen and squirm in the embarrassing position. "What's going on? What are you doing?"

"You'll thank us later," dad chuckles, although I sense a layer of nerves beneath his tone. Before I can ask what he's talking about, another wave of heat crashes into me, making me choke. I hear my dad curse as they pick up their steps, hastily carrying me to an unknown location. The closer we get to wherever we're going, the stronger the heat feels.

My eyes widen when I realize my father is carrying me to the pack house. I thrash in his arms, trying to escape, but he tightens his hold on me.

"Tin, the more you two try to resist this, the more painful it will be," my father warns me. "I don't know any pairs of mates that have gone through their heats without each other. It's unnatural."

I don't want to, is the thought that runs through my head. Instead, what leaves my lips is, "Can doesn't want me."

My father's steps falter as he looks at me with surprise. I even surprised myself by saying that. It's like I almost sounded... sad that Can doesn't want me. And I'm not sad. No. Not at all.

"He will," father says softly, knocking on the door of the pack house. It swings open not even two seconds later; the Alphas standing there with bags in their hands.

"Ready?" Alpha Type checks.

"I hope this'll be okay," dad mumbles, and Type waves him off.

"It'll be fine. They might be mad for a little bit, but they'll get over it."

I open my mouth to speak, but all that leaves is a strangled moan when Can's heightened scent hits me. Being in heat has made his scent so much stronger, begging for me to go to him. I'm not sure when my father set me down, or how I make it up the stairs. By the time I reach Can's room, my mind is in such a fog that I can't focus on anything but him.

Resisting The Heat [TinCan 18+] (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now