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You're a Vigilante, you do what you want when you want.

Name: Y/n L/n

Age: 25

Hair Color: h/c

Eye Color: e/c

Gender : Female

Height: 5'3 (thats my actual height 😅)

Quirk: Air Pressure Manipulation

- You can either create or relieve tension.

- By creating tension you can either slow or completely hinder movement or damage internal organs. You can direct that pressure in a powerful blast of air, if it gets too powerful it'll send both you and your opponent flying. You also have to stand completely still in order to use said blast.

- By relieving tension you can enhance or hinder movement. This can often cause internal damage due to the lack of oxygen. You can also use it as a speed boost by relieving the weight of certain objects.

Drawbacks: It can harm you as well as your opponent and is physically taxing. So you have to be smart when using it and know when it would be a good time to book it.

Support Items:

- Colored Contacts - To throw off hero's suspicions.

- Weighted boots - To stay in place while firing.

- Oxygen tank and Mask - To supply air to themself when relieving tension, to avoid the risk of internal damage. The mask also has a voice changer embedded in it, throwing off hero's suspicions.

- Trench Coat - Not only looks cool but is made of the same material as Eraserhead's scarf, so they can avoid being injured from behind.

- Baggy t-shirt - To throw off hero's suspicions.

- Sweatpants - easier to move in.

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