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And so we conclude yet another epic tale of two troubled souls that found comfort in each other. It feels so good, but also so heartbreaking to say that.

Playing Rough ended up becoming my favorite book that I've written thus far and it feels so sad to finally let go and move on to bigger and hopefully better things. It was a journey that started I think almost three years ago under a different name, Bryan and Michael were completely different back then, so different in fact, that I had to take everything down and start anew. I am so glad I restarted this and gave it a new life, a new idea, and a memorable story. I cried like a baby writing the last three chapters in rapid succession, I can not believe it's over. 

I wanted to thank everyone who read, commented, and voted on the story, it is truly the factor that motivated me to keep on going, to keep on telling, and to do my boys a justice. You are the ones who made Michael and Bryan's story a reality and I am grateful for all you guys, for all the comments that I genuinely spent hours refreshing my notifications and reading, for the votes and kind words of encouragement. Writing isn't easy, but your encouragement makes it worth it.

Unfortunately, I have mentioned this before already but there will be no sequel for Michael and Bryan's story, I think it's best if we let the boys rest and live their lives from that point onward. This book turned out way better than I ever thought it would and I want to end it on a high note. I hope you understand that.

So what's next for winter?

I am going to be focusing on another book that some of you might have already seen on my profile called Divide & Conquer. I am very eager to share a new story, new characters, new plotlines, and ideas with you guys and I really hope you guys stick with me.

There will be an epilogue chapter for Playing Rough coming soon, the way I have it planned out plays out beautifully and if you enjoyed the book, I am almost certain you'll enjoy reading the epilogue.

Thank you for your everlasting support, I love you from the bottom of my heart. Through thick and thin.

 Through thick and thin

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