Chapter XIII

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Chapter XIII ─ Boiling Point

[ M I C H A E L   G R I F F I N ]

It was hot. Unbearably hot in this stupid little cabin full of other young guys. California weather did not sit well with me after a day of gruesome boot camp activities. Curse this wretched place.

I laid in bed unable to sleep, my muscles ached like hell, the thin sheets were starting to stick to my clammy skin. My mind was restless, drifting from one thing to another in what felt like the blink of an eye. I thought about the coaches figuratively torturing us on the field today, then about cheesy quesadillas, then football again. It seemed like a never-ending cycle that was going to drive me mad by the dawn.

As if things couldn't get any worse, my mind drifted to Bryan Clay. The person that had unconsciously indented himself into my brain. Ever since the visit to his home, my mind had been haywire.

I was confused, frustrated, and guilty, in no particular order. I felt like I was the reason Bryan had ended up being the way that he was now ─ a husk of a young adult that couldn't control his composure. I felt responsible for his downfall, as stupid as it sounded. I should have never said yes to dating his sister, but that realization came to me when the damage had already been done.

On the other hand, I felt confused about myself. For the first time in years, I doubted who I was as a person. What was I going to achieve by trying to insert myself back into Bry's life? What if I fuck it all up and hurt him all over again? My insecurities were gnawing at me. When I successfully managed to calm down Bryan from his sudden outburst of rage, I felt all but happy with the result; a revelation that had been lurking in the shadows was made clear after that very moment.

I liked having Bryan close to me, pressed up against me. I loved it, I loved having that control over him, I loved being able to bring him back to his senses. I hated that I loved it because I shouldn't have.

Was that the real reason why I wanted Bryan back in my life so bad? Was I that selfish and so oblivious? Or did I just want my best friend back and started reconsidering the things I thought were already set in stone? I was a mess.

I had always liked girls, so much in fact, that I had never even given the thought of being with another guy a chance because I didn't have to. It all felt so secure and so right, it still does, I love Ash, she's the best friend I needed after everything that went down in my life, I couldn't imagine my days without knowing that she was going to be right by my side to support me in any way. The sex was amazing, soft, and sweet, it felt right.

But I couldn't deny the fact that Bryan's chiseled body against mine felt the same. His breath against my skin felt divine. The thought of seeing Bryan's naked body and being able to have every part of him to myself did numbers on both my mind and my body. I felt my dick stir under the fabric of my boxer briefs and bit back a groan. 

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