⚜️ Wings ⚜️

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I was born with wings
They were such beautiful things

But you said they made me bad
and I looked like a outcast

And when I said I want to fly
You trapped me in thorns and spikes

My wings got entangled
It pierced through my feathers

It had hurt so bad
I pleaded with all I had

But you said you can't let me out
Cause I wanted what's not allowed

I feared if you'd cut my wings
It would hurt more than anything

And as broken as I was
I did not want to be hurt anymore

So I thought it'll hurt less
If I cleaned up my own mess

I decided to cut them on my own
But then, I was hurtfully wrong

Cause it broke me apart
Those wings were more than just parts

Though you have gladly let me out
This freedom feels so meaningless now

Cause I have lost my wings
and with them my will to live

🥀 Lakshita

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